Fandomball it is a wiki hosting service and domain operated by Fandom, Inc.ball a File:Delaware-icon.png Delawareball for-profit company, founded in October 2004.
It is known to be the bubble site, because it hosts several wikis of various subjects. Like sports wiki, television and etc.
Currently (according to his accountant), he has more than 385 thousand communities/wikis and 50 million pages. MUCH BETTER THAN File:Wikipediaball-icon.png WIKIPEDIABALL.
In 2021, he ended up banning wikis related to polandball due to be (according to a moderator) ''xenophobic and racist, '' that smelled like migration of several wikis polandballs (including File:White-icon.png Topicalballs) for the File:Miraheze-icon.png Mirahezeball.