Polandball , officially the Republic of Polandball is a country in central europe. He borders Germanyball to the west, Russiaball to the north through Kaliningradball, Lithuaniaball to the northeast, Czechia and Slovakia to the south.
It is deemed the holiest countryball ever to exist. Polandball is divided into 16 voivodeshipballs, including its capital File:Warsaw-icon.png Warsawball, giving it a total area of 312,696 square kilometres, making it the 69th nice largest countryball in the world. As of 2019, it has a total population of 38,383,000 inhabitants. Polandball also always gets the last laugh because anyone who annexes Polandball, falls apart (happened to USSRball, File:RussianEmpire-icon.png Russian Empireball, File:Nazi-icon.png Nazi Germanyball, File:Austrian Empire-icon.png Austrian Empireball and German Empireball).
Polandball is often portrayed as a naive countryball bullied by its neighbours for partitions or annexations.
Polandball also likes Ukraineball, the File:Murica-icon.png USAball and other Allies (except the Soviet Unionball) for help during World War II against the File:Nazi-icon.png Nazis.