Dutch Republicball, also known as United Provinces of the Netherlandsball, was one of the first European republics. It is the grandparent of Netherlandsball. was part of
HREball for many years until 1648, when the 30 Years War ended. It had a successful empire that spanned the seven seas. It created a large trading post empire and was one of the first capitalist countryballs. It ate all Dodos into extinction in File:Mauritius-icon.png Mauritiusball. It also got angry at HRE because someone shot its soup kettle. it also was very fond of capitalism.
Relationships[edit | edit source]
Friends[edit | edit source]
Neutral[edit | edit source]
Enemies[edit | edit source]
- File:Spanish Empire-icon.png Spanish Empireball - Adopted parent who oppressed me for being Protestant.
- File:PortugueseEmpire-icon.png Portuguese Empireball - Rival who is my relative. I launched an invasion on File:Portuguese Brazil-icon.png its child but it didn´t go well. At least I got some sugar cane.
Australiaball - Was the first to discover its land but it ignores this.
- File:New Zealand-icon.png New Zealandball - Also original discoverer, New Zealand ignores that too.
- Johan de Witt -
at least you taste good....
Colonies[edit | edit source]
File:Dutch West India Company-icon.png West Indie Possessions File:Dutch West India Company-icon.png[edit | edit source]
- File:New Netherland-icon.png New Netherlandball - Weird child (cuz diversity), but is of good. Could not of get back after
Engeland is anschlussed it.
- File:Dutch Suriname-icon.png Dutch Surinameball - Weird adopted child who hangs out with weird
Spanish and
Portugese guys.
- File:Dutch Brazil-icon.png Dutch Brazilball - Real Brazil, thanks for sugar.
- File:Dutch West India Company-icon.png Colony of Demeraraball
- File:Dutch West India Company-icon.png Colony of Essequiboball
- File:Dutch Gold Coast-icon.png Dutch Gold Coastball - GOLD!
- File:Dutch West India Company-icon.png Dutch Mauritiusball - Many dodos to eat here.
File:VOC-icon.png East Indie Possessions File:Dutch East Indies-icon.png[edit | edit source]
- File:Dejima-icon.png Dejimaball -
- File:Dutch East Indies-icon.png Dutch Ceylonball
- File:Dutch East Indies-icon.png Dutch East Indiesball - S P E C E R I J E N
- File:Dutch Coromandel-icon.png Dutch Coromandelball
- File:Dutch East Indies-icon.png Dutch Formosaball
- File:Dutch East Indies-icon.png Dutch Malaccaball
- File:Dutch Suratte-icon.png Dutch Suratteball
- File:Dutch West India Company-icon.png Dutch Cape Colonyball
Gallery[edit | edit source]
By u/Le_Pepp
Template:Category Dutch Empire {{Category Netherlands} Template:Category Belgium Template:Category Indonesia Template:Category South Africa Template:Category Suriname Template:Category Taiwan
Template:Category Ghana Template:Category Ivory Coast Template:Category Brazil Template:Category Senegal Template:Category Angola