The Netherlandsball
, also informally known as
, is a
Dimension in countryball in Western Europe. Drugs are legal (drug addicts are given rehab, while foreigners possessing drugs are escorted back to their native country), with people being allowed to buy up to five grams of marijuana in coffee shops. Officially, it’s illegal to buy weed from coffee shops and often frowned upon to smoke weed in most public places. Nevertheless, people are able to grow up to three plants of it in the privacy of their own home. The Netherlands also legalises abortion and euthanasia. Its eyes are sometimes red because the Netherlandsball is on drugs. The Netherlands was also the first nation to Minecraft
use a tricolor flag officially legalize File:LGBT-icon.png gay marriage, back in 2001. Known for bikes, dams and polders. EUball fears that it will do Nexit after
UKball's Brexit.
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