Character | History | Relationships | Gallery |
is a countryball located in East Asia, made up of many islands. She is a very developed countryball
known for advanced technology. From the iconic bullet trains that whisk passengers across the country at incredible speeds to the intricate craftsmanship seen in traditional tea ceremonies, Japan seamlessly blends her ancient traditions with cutting-edge innovation. Classic food from Japanball includes sushi. Japan is also the longest lasting
Monarchy in the world.
Her neighbors are North Koreaball,
South Koreaball, and
People's Republic of Chinaball to the west;
Taiwanball to the southwest; and
Russiaball to the north. Her maritime borders are the
Sea of Okhotskblob to the north, the
East China Seablob and the
Philippine Seablob to the south, the
East China Seablob to the west, and the
Pacific Oceanblob to the east.
Since Japan is a group of islands located right on the File:RingofFire-icon.png Ring of Fire, she is very vulnerable to earthquakes and tsunamis.
歴史 (History)[edit | edit source]
歴史的背景 (Historical Context)[edit | edit source]
The File:Japanese Empire-icon.png Japanese Empireball had dreamed of being the biggest and strongest empire in the world, surpassing File:British Empire-icon.png Britain. So he invaded and ruled South East Asia and another countryball which looks white. He committed many war crimes. He also tried to rule all of
Chinaball but failed because
Chinaball refused to give up even in the most extreme situations.
When he attacked Americaball, America blocked him and killed Japanball with two nukes (named Fat Man and Little Boy). So Japan failed to achieve his dream.
Americaball then occupied Japan until 1952.
新しい始まり (A New Beginning)[edit | edit source]
Japan experienced rapid economic growth in the 1950s, becoming the second-largest economy by 1970, restoring its status as a great power. However, the asset price bubble burst in 1992, leading to a decade of economic stagnation and low growth. Despite this, Japan did not sign a peace treaty with Russia due to a territorial dispute over a part of File:Sakhalin-icon.png Sakhalin Oblast in the south File:KurilIslands-icon.png Kuril Islands, called File:JapEmpSane-icon.png Chishima (千島), which was seized by the File:USSR-icon2.png Soviet Union after the File:JapEmp-icon.png Empire of Japan surrendered.
Japan became the third largest economy, after File:PRC-icon.png detention camp prisoner labor surpassed her in 2011. She can make anything but is very good at advanced futuristic tech-y things like cars, ships, high-speed bullet trains, technology, and electronics. Japanese cartoons, Anime, became world-famous.
自然災害 (Natural Disasters)[edit | edit source]
On March 11, 2011, an earthquake and tsunami destroyed a huge chunk of Japan's clay. It also caused a nuclear meltdown, poisoning a big chunk of Japan's clay. This was a very bad day for Japan almost as bad as the day that she surrendered in WW2. And on April 14, 2016, multiple earthquakes struck the island of File:Kyushu-icon.png Kyūshū. This seismic activity was followed by an earthquake in Ecuador three days later, leading
Ecuador to blame Japan for the damage to his country. There were concerns that the earthquakes might trigger another one on the
US west coast, but fortunately, nothing happened.
軍事活動 (Military Activities)[edit | edit source]
From 2012 to 2018, Japan got angry when Kitachōsen fired missiles in the
Sea of Japan.
Japan struggles with her pacifist 1947 constitution that prevents her from having a normal military. She has the File:JapanSelfDef-icon.png Japan Self-Defense Forces, the 4th highest ranked in 2015. She also have a security alliance with USA and relies on it for offensive military duties.
USA wants Japan to do more military activities in the alliance. Disputes with File:PRC-icon.png Organ Harvester caused Japan's military resurgence. In 2015 collective-self defense was allowed. Japan does more regional security in East and South-East File:Asia-icon.png Asia. However, there is still big opposition to changing article 9 of the 1947 constitution that was written by
USA, and the disasters in File:Fukushima-icon.png Fukushima
File:LittleJohn-icon.png galvanized File:LittleJohn-icon.png
opposition to nuclear proliferation. The File:Tokugawa-icon.png samurai have not fully returned yet....
現代 (Modern Days)[edit | edit source]
On May 1, 2019, Crown Prince File:CerMon-icon.png Naruhito became the new Emperor after File:CerMon-icon.png Akihito abdicated the throne, symbolizing the state and unity of the people of Japan. File:Shinzo Abe-icon.png Shinzo Abe resigned, leaving Japan feeling sad, but File:FisCon-icon.png Yoshihide Suga was chosen as the new Prime Minister, committed to continuing what File:Shinzo Abe-icon.png Abe aimed to achieve but couldn't. In 2021, Japan hosted the File:Olympics-icon.png Olympics though no one came because of COVID restrictions. On September 3, 2021, File:FisCon-icon.png Yoshihide Suga resigned due to controversy, and File:PatCon-icon.png Fumio Kishida succeeded him as Prime Minister on October 4. On July 8, 2022, former Prime Minister File:Shinzo Abe-icon.png Shinzo Abe was shot dead by File:Psychopathy-icon.png Tetsuya Yamagami. On May 19, 2023, Japan announced that she would host the File:G7-icon.png G7 summit in File:Hiroshima-icon.png Hiroshima and held a remembrance for File:Hiroshima-icon.png Hiroshima bombing victims. On August 24, 2023, Japan insisted on releasing nuclear-contaminated water into the sea despite various opposition. Though the water wasn’t actually that bad (it was filtered a lot) and many File:CCP-icon.png CCP enthusiasts used it as an opportunity and excuse to hate on Japan. Even if the waters were really radioactive and harmful, the currents of the ocean where the water goes to flows to Russia and North America first.
Today, many people predict that another giant natural disaster is going to strike Japan soon. And the population is of decline because people love anime girls more than real girls.
トリビア (Trivia)[edit | edit source]
- Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world.
- Unlike most File:Dem-icon.png democratic countries in the world, Japan still uses the death penalty.
- Japan’s justice system is very strict. Inmates can’t talk to family, medical care is usually denied and they also face abusive interrogation tactics.
- Japan has a 99.8% conviction rate.
アメリカンワナビー (Western Wannabes)[edit | edit source]
Some Japanese people want to distant themselves from their traditional Asian culture and go out of their way to become more “Western”. This led to these Japanese to consume File:SocProg-icon.png overly-liberal values promoted by the Mainstream Media in the west. These types of people are disliked by the general public in Japan because overall, Japan is a File:NatCon-icon.png conservative society, and these people act like they’re better than everyone else. Many Japanese media especially to this group of elites and try to promote these degenerate values, regarding gender and race, like “a women is anything you want it to be” and trying to pretend that they know more about black people than black people themselves. And we can’t forget these File:Plutocracy-icon.png wealthy woke Americans coming to Japan trying to convince everyone that Trump is evil.
関係 (Relations)[edit | edit source]
友達 (Friends)[edit | edit source]
アメリカ合衆国 - Greatest trading partner! Thanks for adapting my cars, cartoons and stuff into your culture. Maybe keep the weebs out though. Our File:Shinzo Abe-icon.png Shinzo Abe really liked your president
Mr. Trump!
He even redirected the bullet in the attempted assassination from heavenAlso, thanks for protecting me from File:PRC-icon.png those communists! You’re so cool…
I want to be youplease come here! We haveObama,
Trump and
Biden burgers! We also have a real life replica of the File:Peter Griffin-icon.png Drunken Clam!
イギリス - I call you Burika (ブリカ).
中国 - Civilization giver, thanks for inspiring me on everythings. My traditional clothes and art styles are all from yuo, even part of my alphabet. But your
modern version sucks, it hate my culture despite it being directly influenced by yuo. But hey, I had made Strawberry Mapo Tofu which I made it better than stinky Mapo Tofu, Muahahahaha
中性 (Neutral)[edit | edit source]
韓国 - We had a complicated relationship. You always begging me for apologies and I couldn’t take it. But now we both work with File:USA-icon2.png USA against
those commies File:PRC-icon.png.
Yuo arr still inferiorモンゴル国 - STUPID POOREST EAST ASIAN COUNTRY, YOU’RE TOO IRREVERENT AND BE SLASHED BY MY KATANA. INVASION OF JAPAN NEVRT FORGET!!! Sigh… sorry, is lost cool. That was in the past, we of being neutral now. As long as you don’t work with File:PRC-icon.png them File:Russia-icon2.png…
敵 (Enemies)[edit | edit source]
北朝鮮 - File:Kim Jong Un-icon.png FATTY KIM, stop throwing missiles near my clay!
- File:PRC-icon.png 中華人民共和国 -
RIPOFF PRODUCT MAKERI hate your lies. You xenophobic piece of propaganda, you fed your people so much File:AntiJapan-icon.png anti-Japanese stuff that they are now attacking our people! YOU STABBED A JAPANESE MOTHER AND CHILD, YOU BEATEN UP A KID WHO SAID HE LOVES JAPAN, AND YOU PEED AND VANDALIZED ON ONE OF MY SACRED STATUES! Now a Japanese plrson saved a subway of people, don’t you plopagandaize her too! And don’t forget the time where one of yuo stupid File:CCP-icon.png CCP supporter got offended by a Japanese flag on MY clay. - File:RingofFire-icon.png 環太平洋火山帯 - Yuo caruse all my disasters! RERMOVE VORLCANO!!
地域区分 (Geographic regions)[edit | edit source]
Japanball is a unified island country. It is over 3,000 km (1,900 mi) long with 6,852 islands. The 5 main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, and Okinawa. It is divided into 8 informal regions. Each region contains 1 or more prefectures. The regions are from north to south:
- File:Hokkaido-icon.png
SinnohHokkaidō - File:Japan-icon (division).png Tōhoku
- File:Chubu-icon.png Chūbu
- File:Kansai-icon.png
JohtoKansai - File:Japan-icon (division).png Chūgoku
- File:Shikoku-icon.png Shikoku
- File:Kyushu-icon.png
都道府県球/都道府県ボール (Prefectureballs)[edit | edit source]
There are 47 prefectures.
File:Hokkaido-icon.png Hokkaidō (region)
File:Japan-icon (division).png Tōhoku (region)
Kantō (region)
File:Chubu-icon.png Chūbu (region)
- File:Niigata-icon.png Nīgataball (新潟)
- File:Toyama-icon.png Toyamaball (富山)
- File:Ishikawa-icon.png Ishikawaball (石川)
- File:Fukui-icon.png Fukuiball (福井)
- File:Yamanashi-icon.png Yamanashiball (山梨)
- File:Nagano-icon.png Naganoball (長野)
- File:Gifu-icon.png Gifuball (岐阜)
- File:Shizuoka-icon.png Shizuokaball (静岡)
- File:Aichi-icon.png Aichiball (愛知)
File:Kansai-icon.png Kansai (region)
- File:Mie-icon.png Mieball (三重)
- File:Shiga-icon.png Shigaball (滋賀)
- File:Kyoto-icon.png Kyotoball (京都)
- File:Osaka-icon.png Osakaball (大阪)
- File:Hyogo-icon.png Hyōgoball (兵庫)
- File:Nara-icon.png Naraball (奈良)
- File:Wakayama-icon.png Wakayamaball (和歌山)
File:Japan-icon (division).png Chūgoku (region)
File:Shikoku-icon.png Shikoku (region)
File:Kyushu-icon.png Kyūshū (region)
トリビア (Trivia)[edit | edit source]
- It is the oldest character in Polandball.
- It created Anime and Electronic Products
anime is Best REMOVE K-POP - It is the 12th-most populated countryball, having a population of around 123,951,692, with its rank behind
Ethiopiaball and above the
- It has a very low birth rate, with its population declining since 2011 (so some anime have a story about birthrate problems, mostly World's End Harem and Love and Lies).
- From 1970 to 1994, it failed to qualify for the World Cups.
- Has a strange obsession with mecha (giant robots).
- The Japanese at times pronounce the "L" as "R."
- When something catches its attention, it usually approaches by opening its eyes more than normal and saying, "SUGOI!".
- Together with
USAball and
Franceball (Ubisoft), they are the countries with the best video game industry today.
- It has soda, chocolates, potatoes, and other very rare things for other countryballs.
It can't stop showing its kawaii side. ONI-CHAAAN! YAMETE!! KYAHHH!!- The oldest confirmed man in history, Jiroemon Kimura, lived 116 years (1897-2013) in its clay and was born in the File:Kyoto-icon.png Kyoto Prefecture.
- It was the host of the 2020 Olympic Games, but due to the pandemic, it was moved to 2021.
- In the
Japanese language, the native name of the country (Nippon) is gender-neutral (just like also happens in
English). Japan has two national personifications, Amaterasu, the Japanese goddess of the
and Emperor Jimmu, the legendary first emperor of Japan (and descendant of Amaterasu, according to Japanese tradition).
- It has an island that is literally full of cats that even outnumber humans in population.
- It committed war crimes worse than
Nazi Germanyball but always denies that it committed them.
- It has island territories in Oceania (Ogasawara Islands).
- Until 2015, it was illegal to dance in a disco after midnight. This law was imposed after the World War II.
- Sometimes, it is dressed in a white cat's tail and ears ("kawaii", as it would put it).
- The commercials are very weird, singular, quirky, eccentric, unusual, and short.
- It is one of the countryballs that makes the most animations and video games a year, especially its famous anime, which has been used both on television and on web pages all over the planet.
- Although it has no interests in
communism, it has a communist party named the Japanese Communist Party, which has a left-wing to far-left political postition.
アーティスト向け情報 (Information for artists)[edit | edit source]
旗の色 (Flag colors)[edit | edit source]
描き方 (How to draw)[edit | edit source]
Japanball has a drawing rating of trivial.
Template:Color boxTemplate:Color boxTemplate:Color boxTemplate:Color boxTemplate:Color box
This is how to draw Japanball:
- Draw a typical circle with a white background.
- Fill in a circle with crimson glory inside.
- Finally, draw the eyes.
- You can also put cat accessories (tail, ears) and kawaii eyes.
- You can draw the energized, warrior version with red streams going out in all directions. For reference, check the flag of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).
引用 (Quotes)[edit | edit source]
千代に八千代に さざれ石の 巌となりて 苔の生すまで |
— ![]() |
“”お前はもう死んでいる。(Omae wa mou shindeiru)
— Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star |
— Son Goku from Dragon Ball |
“”大丈夫…道端で石ころにつまずいた様なものさ。つまらない…小さなことだよな。お前の行きたいところはもっと遥か…遠いんだろ。だから…大丈夫立てるよ。そして歩き出すさ、すぐに… (You're going to be alright. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this, doesn't it? I'm sure you'll overcome this. You'll walk again... soon.)
— Guts from Berserk |
ほとばしる熱いパトスで、思い出を裏切るなら! この宇宙を抱いて輝く、少年よ神話になれ! |
— Yoko Takahashi singing "A Cruel Angel's Thesis/Zankoku na Tenshi no Tēze", the opening theme of Neon Genesis Evangelion |
“”初めての相手はジョジョではないッ!このディオだッ! (Your first kiss wasn't with Jojo. It was me, DIO!)
— Dio Brando from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure |
— Star Platinum, Jotaro Kujo's Stand, from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure |
“”海賊王に...俺は...なる!!!(I'm gonna become... THE PIRATE KING!!!)
— Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece |
“”Don't break anyone's heart, they only have one. Break their bones, they have 206.
— Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach |
“”Believe it!
— Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto |
“”Having overwhelming strength is... pretty boring.
— Saitama from One-Punch Man |
“”When I... fight a dude... it's NUTS! OR! NOTHING!
— Denji kicking Aki Hayakawa on the balls SEVEN times in a row, from Chainsaw Man |
— Makima mentally traumatizing Denji, from Chainsaw Man |
“”I think I love you more than the Japanese love tentacle porn!
— Puff Puff Humbert |
“”I have a bad case of diarrhea, I have a bad case of diarrhea.
I have a bad case of diarrhea, I have a bad case of diarrhea. |
— The Zuiikin' Gals teaching English and working out to the viewers in Zuiikin' English |
“”桐生ちゃん! (Kiryu-chan!)
— Goro Majima, Yakuza |
“”Hello everynyan! How are you? Fine, thank you.
— Chiyo-chichi from Azumanga Daioh |
— File:Osaka (city)-icon.png Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga, also from Azumanga Daioh |
“”Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes, and it's beautiful.
— Bill Wurtz |
“”Kawaii, Desu, Sugoii (Meow)
— ![]() |
“”Apple peeen, pineapple peeen... UH! Pen-pineapple-apple-pen!
— Daimaou "Pikotaro" Kosaka singing "Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen" |
“”Wan Pissu wa jitsuzai suru! (The One Piece is real!)
— ![]() |
— Usada Pekora |
金輪際現れない、一番星の生まれ変わり! Aaah、その笑顔で、愛してるで誰も彼も虜にしていく、 その瞳が、その言葉が嘘でもそれは完全なアイ! |
— Lilas Ikuta from Yoasobi singing "Idol", the opening theme of Oshi No Ko |
“”無茶苦茶にしてくれないかい? 一切を存分に喰らい尽くして
一生迷宮廻遊ランデブー 眩暈がする程 You are my special 有耶無耶な儘廻る世界 No, no, no! そう冷静にはならないで 一生迷宮廻遊ランデブー 誰が如何言おうと You are my special We are special |
— Daiki Tsuneta and Satoru Iguchi of King Gnu singing "Specialz", the fourth opening of Jujutsu Kaisen |
何が起きても気分は へのへのカッパ CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA! 胸がパチパチするほど 騒ぐ元気玉... SPARKING! |
— Hironobu Kageyama singing "CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA", the opening theme of Dragon Ball Z |
消せない夢も 止まれない今も 誰かのために強くなれるなら ありがとう 悲しみよ 世界に打ちのめされて負ける意味を知った 紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ! 運命を照らして |
— LiSA singing "Gurenge", the first opening of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba |
遠くへ行け遠くへ行けと 僕の中で誰かが歌う どうしようもないほど熱烈に いつだって目を腫らした君が二度と 悲しまないように笑える そんなヒーローになるための歌 さらば掲げろピースサイン 転がっていくストーリーを |
— Kenshi Yonezu singing "Peace Sign", the second opening of My Hero Academia |
“”ハッピーで埋め尽くして レストインピースまで行こうぜ
いつかみた地獄もいいところ 愛をばら撒いて アイラブユー貶してくれ 全部奪って笑ってくれマイハニー 努力 未来, a beautiful star! 努力 未来, a beautiful star! 努力 未来, a beautiful star! なんか忘れちゃってんだ |
— Kenshi Yonezu singing "KICK BACK", the opening of Chainsaw Man |
“”囚われた屈辱は 反撃の 嚆 嚆矢だ
城壁の其の彼方 獲物を屠る 狩人 迸る 殺意 に 其の身を灼きながら 黄昏に緋を穿つ 紅蓮の弓矢 |
— Revo from Linked Horizon singing "Guren no Yumiya", the first opening of Attack on Titan |
“”HERO! 俺を讃える声や
喝采なんて 欲しくはないさ HERO! だから 人知れず 悪と闘う Nobody knows who he is! 天[そら]覆い 押し寄せる敵 俺は背を向けはしない HERO! ならば 揺るぎなき覚悟したため 繰り出せ鉄拳! |
— JAM Project singing "THE HERO!! ~Set Fire to the Furious Fist~", the first opening of One-Punch Man |
一人で生きて行けるって言ってた ありふれたやさしさ言葉じゃ 今はもう届かないほどに 君は疼きだす |
— Takuya of UVERworld singing "D-tecnolife", the second opening of Bleach |
— FLOW singing "GO!!!", the fourth opening theme of Naruto |
“”Now singin',
bling-bang-bang bling-bang-bang-born! |
— Kyōhei "R-Shitei" Nogami from Creepy Nuts singing "Bling-Bang-Bang-Born", the opening theme of Mashle |
“”PONPON 出して、しまえばいいの、ぜんぜん しないの、つまらないでしょ、
ヘッドフォンかけて、リズムに乗せて、Way-way 空けて、あたしの道を! |
— File:Tokyo-icon.png Kyary Pamyu Pamyu singing "PonPonPon" |
“” すごいなぁ ~!(Sugoi na!)
— ![]() |
アートギャラリー (Gallery)[edit | edit source]
メモと参考文献 (Notes and references)[edit | edit source]
こちらも参照してください (See also)[edit | edit source]
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