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{{Stub}}{{Top Navigation}}{{Infobox|Name={{I|Japan}} State of Japanball {{I|Japan(cat)}}|NativeName={{I|Japanese}} <abbr title="Japanese">日本国球/日本国ボール</abbr> <br><small>''Nippon koku-kyū/Nippon koku-bōru''</small><br>
{{Stub}}{{Infobox|Name={{I|Japan}} State of Japanball {{I|Japan(cat)}}|NativeName={{I|Japanese}} <abbr title="Japanese">日本国球/日本国ボール</abbr> <br><small>''Nippon koku-kyū/Nippon koku-bōru''</small><br>
{{I|Okinawa}} <abbr title="Okinawan">やまとぅぐくぼーる</abbr> <br><small>''Yamatu guku-bōru''</small><br>
{{I|Okinawa}} <abbr title="Okinawan">やまとぅぐくぼーる</abbr> <br><small>''Yamatu guku-bōru''</small><br>
{{I|Ainu}} <abbr title="Ainu">シサㇺモシㇼポㇿ</abbr><br><small>''Sisam mosir-por''</small>|founded=|onlypredecessor=Empire of Japanball|predicon=Japanese-Empire|image=Nt cVCPdjCCsvHYWPN.png|Alias=Land of the Rising Sun<br>Sunrise Land<br>Anime creator|Personality=Kawaii, Polite and perfectionist (does not like to cause trouble), wacky, strict, workaholic <s>to the point of having to endure terrible work conditions</s>, educated, punctual, dismissive, tech-guru, <s>loves turning people into instruments,</s> judgemental, semi-pacifist, island mentality, clean, modest, honest (has a high reputation but sometimes infamous for strict rules), Really weird, futuristic, innovative, sweet, kind, friendly, smart, <s>sometimes xenophobic</s>, artistic|Time of Exist=<abbr title="Circa">c.</abbr> 660 BCE (Mythical foundation)<br>1868 (Start of the Meiji Restoration)<br>May 3, 1947 (Current constitution)|Government={{I|Parliamentary Monarchy}} [[Constitutional Monarchismball|Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy]]<br>{{I|Fascist Dictatorship}} <s>Under an [[Reactionary Liberalismball|LDP-dominant-party]] [[Showa Statismball|neo-Showaist]] rule (1955–1993, 1996–2009, 2012–2024)</s>|Languages={{I|Japanese}} <s>Anime language</s> Japanese<br>{{I|Ryukyu}} Ryukyuan languages
{{I|Ainu}} <abbr title="Ainu">シサㇺモシㇼポㇿ</abbr><br><small>''Sisam mosir-por''</small>|founded=|onlypredecessor=Empire of Japanball|predicon=Japanese-Empire|image=Nt cVCPdjCCsvHYWPN.png|Alias=Land of the Rising Sun<br>Sunrise Land<br>Anime creator|Personality=Kawaii, Polite and perfectionist (does not like to cause trouble), wacky, strict, workaholic <s>to the point of having to endure terrible work conditions</s>, educated, punctual, dismissive, tech-guru, <s>loves turning people into instruments,</s> judgemental, semi-pacifist, island mentality, clean, modest, honest (has a high reputation but sometimes infamous for strict rules), Really weird, futuristic, innovative, sweet, kind, friendly, smart, <s>sometimes xenophobic</s>, artistic|Time of Exist=<abbr title="Circa">c.</abbr> 660 BCE (Mythical foundation)<br>1868 (Start of the Meiji Restoration)<br>May 3, 1947 (Current constitution)|Government={{I|Parliamentary Monarchy}} [[Constitutional Monarchismball|Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy]]<br>{{I|Fascist Dictatorship}} <s>Under an [[Reactionary Liberalismball|LDP-dominant-party]] [[Showa Statismball|neo-Showaist]] rule (1955–1993, 1996–2009, 2012–2024)</s>|Languages={{I|Japanese}} <s>Anime language</s> Japanese<br>{{I|Ryukyu}} Ryukyuan languages
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*{{i|RingofFire}} [[Ring of Fire|環太平洋火山帯]] - Yuo caruse all my disasters! RERMOVE VORLCANO!!
*{{i|RingofFire}} [[Ring of Fire|環太平洋火山帯]] - Yuo caruse all my disasters! RERMOVE VORLCANO!!

== 描き方 (How to draw) ==
{{Flag|JapanFlag.png|Flag of Japan, AKA Nisshoki or Hinomaru}}
Drawing Japan is very simple.
# Draw a ball.
# Fill it with white.
# Draw a red circle in the middle.
# Add the eyes and you’re done!
|c1 = Crimson Glory
|h1 = #BC002D
|c2 = White
|h2 = #FFFFFF

==地域区分 (Geographic regions)==
== ギャラリー (Gallery) ==
[[File:Japan yes.png|thumb|220px|Regions of Japanball]]
<gallery widths=150>
Japanball is a unified island country. It is over 3,000&nbsp;km (1,900&nbsp;mi) long with 6,852 islands. The 5 main islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, and Okinawa. It is divided into 8 informal regions. Each region contains 1 or more prefectures. The regions are from north to south:
Japandrew.png|By [[User:AndrewMapping]]
TaiwanDiary.png|Minor background character
*{{I|Hokkaido}} <s>Sinnoh</s> [[Hokkaidoball|Hokkaidō]]
*{{I|Japan|(division)}} [[Tōhokuball|Tōhoku]]
*{{I|Kanto}} [[Kantōball|Kantō]]
*{{I|Chubu}} [[Chūbuball|Chūbu]]
*{{I|Kansai}} <s>Johto</s> [[Kansaiball|Kansai]]
*{{I|Japan|(division)}} [[Chūgokuball|Chūgoku]]
*{{I|Shikoku}} [[Shikokuball|Shikoku]]
*{{I|Kyushu}} <s>Hoenn</s> [[Kyūshūball|Kyūshū]]
===都道府県球/都道府県ボール (Prefectureballs)===
[[File:Japanball-Prefectures-Map.png|thumb|220px|Prefectures of Japanball]]
There are 47 prefectures.
'''{{I|Hokkaido}} [[Hokkaidoball|Hokkaidō]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Hokkaido}} [[Hokkaidoball]] (北海道)
'''{{I|Japan|(division)}} [[Tōhokuball|Tōhoku]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Aomori}} [[Aomoriball]] (青森)
*{{I|Iwate}} [[Iwateball]] (岩手)
*{{I|Miyagi}} [[Miyagiball]] (宮城)
*{{I|Akita}} [[Akitaball]] (秋田)
*{{I|Yamagata}} [[Yamagataball]] (山形)
*{{I|Fukushima}} [[Fukushimaball]] (福島)
'''{{I|Kanto}} [[Kantōball|Kantō]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Ibaraki}} [[Ibarakiball]] (茨城)
*{{I|Tochigi}} [[Tochigiball]] (栃木)
*{{I|Gunma}} [[Gunmaball]] (群馬)
*{{I|Saitama}} [[Saitamaball]] (埼玉)
*{{I|Chiba}} [[Chibaball]] (千葉)
*{{I|Tokyo}} [[Tokyoball]] (東京)
*{{I|Kanagawa}} [[Kanagawaball]] (神奈川)
'''{{I|Chubu}} [[Chūbuball|Chūbu]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Niigata}} [[Niigataball|Nīgataball]] (新潟)
*{{I|Toyama}} [[Toyamaball]] (富山)
*{{I|Ishikawa}} [[Ishikawaball]] (石川)
*{{I|Fukui}} [[Fukuiball]] (福井)
*{{I|Yamanashi}} [[Yamanashiball]] (山梨)
*{{I|Nagano}} [[Naganoball]] (長野)
*{{I|Gifu}} [[Gifuball]] (岐阜)
*{{I|Shizuoka}} [[Shizuokaball]] (静岡)
*{{I|Aichi}} [[Aichiball]] (愛知)
'''{{I|Kansai}} [[Kansaiball|Kansai]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Mie}} [[Mieball]] (三重)
*{{I|Shiga}} [[Shigaball]] (滋賀)
*{{I|Kyoto}} [[Kyotoball]] (京都)
*{{I|Osaka}} [[Osakaball]] (大阪)
*{{I|Hyogo}} [[Hyōgoball]] (兵庫)
*{{I|Nara}} [[Naraball]] (奈良)
*{{I|Wakayama}} [[Wakayamaball]] (和歌山)
'''{{I|Japan|(division)}} [[Chūgokuball|Chūgoku]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Tottori}} [[Tottoriball]] (鳥取)
*{{I|Shimane}} [[Shimaneball]] (島根)
*{{I|Okayama}} [[Okayamaball]] (岡山)
*{{I|Hiroshima}} [[Hiroshimaball]] (広島)
*{{I|Yamaguchi}} [[Yamaguchiball]] (山口)
'''{{I|Shikoku}} [[Shikokuball|Shikoku]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Tokushima}} [[Tokushimaball]] (徳島)
*{{I|Kagawa}} [[Kagawaball]] (香川)
*{{I|Ehime}} [[Ehimeball]] (愛媛)
*{{I|Kochi}} [[Kōchiball]] (高知)
'''{{I|Kyushu}} [[Kyūshūball|Kyūshū]] (region)'''
<div style="{{column}}">
*{{I|Fukuoka}} [[Fukuokaball]] (福岡)
*{{I|Saga}} [[Sagaball]] (佐賀)
*{{I|Nagasaki}} [[Nagasakiball]] (長崎)
*{{I|Kumamoto}} [[Kumamotoball]] (熊本)
*{{I|Oita}} [[Ōitaball]] (大分)
*{{I|Miyazaki}} [[Miyazakiball]] (宮崎)
*{{I|Kagoshima}} [[Kagoshimaball]] (鹿児島)
*{{I|Okinawa}} [[Okinawaball]] (沖縄)
==トリビア (Trivia)==
*It is the oldest character in [[Polandball (meme)|Polandball]].
*It created Anime and Electronic Products <s>anime is Best REMOVE K-POP</s>
*It is the 12th-most populated countryball, having a population of around 123,951,692, with its rank behind {{I|Ethiopia}} [[Ethiopiaball]] and above the {{I|Philippines}} [[Philippinesball]].
**It has a very low birth rate, with its population declining since 2011 (so some anime have a story about birthrate problems, mostly World's End Harem and Love and Lies).
*From 1970 to 1994, it failed to qualify for the World Cups.
*Has a strange obsession with mecha (giant robots).
*The Japanese at times pronounce the "L" as "R."
*When something catches its attention, it usually approaches by opening its eyes more than normal and saying, "SUGOI!".
*Together with {{I|USA}} [[USAball]] and {{I|France}} [[Franceball]] (Ubisoft), they are the countries with the best video game industry today.
*It has soda, chocolates, potatoes, and other very rare things for other countryballs.
*<s>It can't stop showing its kawaii side. ONI-CHAAAN! YAMETE!! KYAHHH!!</s>
*The oldest confirmed man in history, Jiroemon Kimura, lived 116 years (1897-2013) in its clay and was born in the {{I|Kyoto}} [[Kyotoball|Kyoto Prefecture]].
*It was the host of the 2020 Olympic Games, but due to the pandemic, it was moved to 2021.
*In the {{I|Japan}} Japanese language, the native name of the country (Nippon) is gender-neutral (just like also happens in {{I|English}} English). Japan has two national personifications, Amaterasu, the Japanese goddess of the {{I| Sun}} and Emperor Jimmu, the legendary first emperor of Japan (and descendant of Amaterasu, according to Japanese tradition).
*It has an island that is literally full of cats that even outnumber humans in population.
*It committed war crimes worse than {{I|Nazi}} [[Nazi Germanyball]] but always denies that it committed them.
* It has island territories in Oceania (Ogasawara Islands).
*Until 2015, it was illegal to dance in a disco after midnight. This law was imposed after the [[World War II]].
*Sometimes, it is dressed in a white cat's tail and ears ("kawaii", as it would put it).
*The commercials are very weird, singular, quirky, eccentric, unusual, and short.
* It is one of the countryballs that makes the most animations and video games a year, especially its famous anime, which has been used both on television and on web pages all over the planet.
*Although it has no interests in {{I|Communism}} communism, it has a communist party named the [[Wikipedia:Japanese Communist Party|Japanese Communist Party]], which has a left-wing to far-left political postition.
==アーティスト向け情報 (Information for artists)==
===旗の色 (Flag colors)===
|color1-hex = #FFFFFF
|color1-name = White
|color1-rgb = 255, 255, 255
|color1-cmyk = N/A
|color2-name = Lipstick Red
|color2-hex = #BC002D
|color2-rgb = 188, 0, 45
|color2-cmyk = C0-M100-Y77-K26}}
===描き方 (How to draw)===
{{Drawing difficulty|trivial}}
This is how to draw Japanball: 
#Draw a typical circle with a white background.
#Fill in a circle with <font color="#bc002d">'''crimson glory'''</font> inside.
#Finally, draw the eyes.
#You can also put cat accessories (tail, ears) and kawaii eyes.
#You can draw the energized, warrior version with red streams going out in all directions. For reference, check the flag of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).
==引用 (Quotes)==
{{Quote|君が代は<br>千代に八千代に<br>さざれ石の<br>巌となりて<br>苔の生すまで|{{I|Japan}} Japanball singing its entire anthem}}
{{Quote|お前はもう死んでいる。(Omae wa mou shindeiru)|Kenshiro from ''Fist of the North Star''}}
{{Quote|Kaa-Mee-Haa-Mee-'''HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!'''|Son Goku from ''Dragon Ball''}}
{{Quote|大丈夫…道端で石ころにつまずいた様なものさ。つまらない…小さなことだよな。お前の行きたいところはもっと遥か…遠いんだろ。だから…大丈夫立てるよ。そして歩き出すさ、すぐに… (You're going to be alright. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this, doesn't it? I'm sure you'll overcome this. You'll walk again... soon.)|Guts from ''Berserk''}}
{{Quote|残酷な天使のテーゼ、窓辺からやがて飛び立つ。<br>ほとばしる熱いパトスで、思い出を裏切るなら!<br>この宇宙を抱いて輝く、少年よ神話になれ!|Yoko Takahashi singing "A Cruel Angel's Thesis/Zankoku na Tenshi no Tēze", the opening theme of ''Neon Genesis Evangelion''}}
{{Quote|初めての相手はジョジョではないッ!'''このディオだッ!''' (Your first kiss wasn't with Jojo. '''It was me, DIO!''')|Dio Brando from ''JoJo's Bizarre Adventure''}}
{{Quote|ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA!!!|Star Platinum, Jotaro Kujo's Stand, from ''JoJo's Bizarre Adventure''}}
{{Quote|海賊王に...俺は...'''なる!!!'''(I'm gonna become... '''THE PIRATE KING!!!''')|Monkey D. Luffy from ''One Piece''}}
{{Quote|Don't break anyone's heart, they only have one. Break their bones, they have 206.|Ichigo Kurosaki from ''Bleach''}}
{{Quote|Believe it!|Naruto Uzumaki from ''Naruto''}}
{{Quote|Having overwhelming strength is... pretty boring.|Saitama from ''One-Punch Man''}}
{{Quote|When I... fight a dude... it's NUTS! OR! NOTHING!|Denji kicking Aki Hayakawa on the balls SEVEN times in a row, from ''Chainsaw Man''}}
{{Quote|'''''Bang.'''''|Makima mentally traumatizing Denji, from ''Chainsaw Man''}}
{{Quote|I think I love you more than the Japanese love tentacle porn!|Puff Puff Humbert}}
{{Quote|I have a bad case of diarrhea, I have a bad case of diarrhea.<br>I have a bad case of diarrhea, I have a bad case of diarrhea.|The Zuiikin' Gals teaching English and working out to the viewers in ''Zuiikin' English''}}
{{Quote|桐生ちゃん! (Kiryu-chan!)|Goro Majima, ''Yakuza''}}
{{Quote|Hello everynyan! How are you? Fine, thank you.|Chiyo-chichi from ''Azumanga Daioh''}}
{{Quote|'''OH MY GAH!'''|{{I|Osaka (city)}} Ayumu "[[Ōsakaball|Osaka]]" Kasuga, also from ''Azumanga Daioh''}}
{{Quote|Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes, and it's '''beautiful'''.|Bill Wurtz}}
{{Quote|Kawaii, Desu, Sugoii (Meow)|{{I|Japan}} Japanball meowing}}
{{Quote|Apple peeen, pineapple peeen... '''UH!''' Pen-pineapple-apple-pen!|Daimaou "Pikotaro" Kosaka singing "Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen"}}
{{Quote|Wan Pissu wa jitsuzai suru! (The One Piece is real!)|{{I|Japan}} Edward Newgate.}}
{{Quote|AH↓HA↑HA↑HA↑HA↑|Usada Pekora}}
{{Quote|誰もが目を奪われていく、君は完璧で究極のアイドル、<br>金輪際現れない、一番星の生まれ変わり!<br>Aaah、その笑顔で、愛してるで誰も彼も虜にしていく、<br>その瞳が、その言葉が嘘でもそれは完全なアイ!|Lilas Ikuta from Yoasobi singing "Idol", the opening theme of ''Oshi No Ko''}}
{{Quote|無茶苦茶にしてくれないかい? 一切を存分に喰らい尽くして<br>一生迷宮廻遊ランデブー 眩暈がする程 You are my special<br>有耶無耶な儘廻る世界 No, no, no! そう冷静にはならないで<br>一生迷宮廻遊ランデブー 誰が如何言おうと You are my special<br>We are special|Daiki Tsuneta and Satoru Iguchi of King Gnu singing "Specialz", the fourth opening of ''Jujutsu Kaisen''}}
{{Quote|CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA!<br>何が起きても気分は へのへのカッパ<br>CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA!<br>胸がパチパチするほど<br>騒ぐ元気玉... SPARKING!|Hironobu Kageyama singing "CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA", the opening theme of ''Dragon Ball Z''}}
{{Quote|どうしたって<br>消せない夢も 止まれない今も<br>誰かのために強くなれるなら<br>ありがとう 悲しみよ<br>世界に打ちのめされて負ける意味を知った<br>紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ! 運命を照らして|LiSA singing "Gurenge", the first opening of ''Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba''}}
{{Quote|もう一度<br>遠くへ行け遠くへ行けと<br>僕の中で誰かが歌う<br>どうしようもないほど熱烈に<br>いつだって目を腫らした君が二度と<br>悲しまないように笑える<br>そんなヒーローになるための歌<br>さらば掲げろピースサイン<br>転がっていくストーリーを|Kenshi Yonezu singing "Peace Sign", the second opening of ''My Hero Academia''}}
{{Quote|ハッピーで埋め尽くして レストインピースまで行こうぜ<br>いつかみた地獄もいいところ 愛をばら撒いて
アイラブユー貶してくれ 全部奪って笑ってくれマイハニー<br>努力 未来, a beautiful star! 努力 未来, a beautiful star!<br>努力 未来, a beautiful star! なんか忘れちゃってんだ|Kenshi Yonezu singing "KICK BACK", the opening of ''Chainsaw Man''}}
{{Quote|囚われた屈辱は 反撃の 嚆 嚆矢だ<br>城壁の其の彼方 獲物を屠る 狩人<br>迸る 殺意 に 其の身を灼きながら<br>黄昏に緋を穿つ 紅蓮の弓矢|Revo from Linked Horizon singing "Guren no Yumiya", the first opening of ''Attack on Titan''}}
{{Quote|HERO! 俺を讃える声や<br>喝采なんて 欲しくはないさ<br>HERO! だから 人知れず 悪と闘う<br>Nobody knows who he is!<br>天[そら]覆い 押し寄せる敵<br>俺は背を向けはしない<br>HERO! ならば 揺るぎなき覚悟したため<br>
繰り出せ鉄拳!|JAM Project singing "THE HERO!! ~Set Fire to the Furious Fist~", the first opening of ''One-Punch Man''}}
{{Quote|重なり合うだけが虚しくて<br>一人で生きて行けるって言ってた<br>ありふれたやさしさ言葉じゃ<br>今はもう届かないほどに 君は疼きだす|Takuya of UVERworld singing "D-tecnolife", the second opening of ''Bleach''}}
{{Quote|WE ARE FIGHTING DREAMERS! 高みを目指して<br>FIGHTING DREAMERS! なりふり構わず<br>FIGHTING DREAMERS! 信じるがままに<br>OI OI OI OHHHHH! JUST GO MY WAY!|FLOW singing "GO!!!", the fourth opening theme of ''Naruto''}}
{{Quote|Now singin', <s>bring</s> bling-bang-bang<br>bling-bang-bang bling-bang-bang-born!|Kyōhei "R-Shitei" Nogami from Creepy Nuts singing "Bling-Bang-Bang-Born", the opening theme of ''Mashle''}}
{{Quote|PONPON 出して、しまえばいいの、ぜんぜん しないの、つまらないでしょ、<br>ヘッドフォンかけて、リズムに乗せて、Way-way 空けて、あたしの道を!|{{I|Tokyo}} Kyary Pamyu Pamyu singing "PonPonPon"}}
{{Quote| すごいなぁ ~!(Sugoi na!) |{{I|Japan}} One of Japanball's kawaii responses}}
==アートギャラリー (Gallery)==
==メモと参考文献 (Notes and references)==

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==こちらも参照してください (See also)==
== ナビゲーション (Navigation) ==
{{Category Japan}}
{{Category Japan}}
{{Category Countries}}
{{Category Countries}}
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[[Category:Olympic Host]]
[[Category:Chinese Speaking Countryball]]
[[Category:Mandarin Speaking Countryball]]
[[Category:Korean Speaking Countryball]]
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