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{{I|Poland}} Polandball also likes {{I|Ukraine}} [[Ukraineball]], the {{I|Murica}} [[USAball]] and other Allies (except the {{I|Soviet}} [[Soviet Unionball]]) for help during [[World War II]] against the {{I|Nazi}} [[Nazi Germanyball|Nazis]].
{{I|Poland}} Polandball also likes {{I|Ukraine}} [[Ukraineball]], the {{I|Murica}} [[USAball]] and other Allies (except the {{I|Soviet}} [[Soviet Unionball]]) for help during [[World War II]] against the {{I|Nazi}} [[Nazi Germanyball|Nazis]].
== Relacje (Relationships) ==
=== Przyjaciele (Friends) ===
* {{I|Hungary}} [[Hungaryball|Węgry]] - '''''Polak, Węgier Dwa Bratanki!''''' My best friend ever. Can best friends since of Middle Ages. We are not of relatives, but we call each other siblings. Both into hatings {{I|Germany}} [[Germanyball|Reich]] [[EUball|kraut]] {{I|EU}}. Thanks for accepting my refugees in 1939. Even if we speak a different language, we still understand each other. We are rivals in football only. Usually I cheer it up when it is sad. But I must help Ukraine instead of siding with Russia we are of blood brothers. That of why I of angrier at yuo.
** {{I|Poland}} - I chose to fight Russia because I want to free you from its influence! Don't you remember what happened in 1956? You're my best friend, and I KNOW you're better than that.
* {{I|Szekelyland}} [[Székely Landball]] - Godchild. I know what you feel. Child of {{I|Hungary}} [[Hungaryball|Węgry]].
* {{I|Denmark}} [[Denmarkball]] - Klocki Lego. Upewnij się, że {{I|Reichtangle}} [[Reichtangle|ta piekielna]] dziura nie chowa się w twoim lego!(Translation: Lego bricks. Make shure that [[Reichtangle|helly hole]] does not hide in your Legos)
* {{I|Serbia}} [[Serbiaball]] - Good friend who has helped me with everything I've dealt with! He gaved us food products, culture and so much more! '''REMOVE KEBAB!''' I truly felt bad that you were occupied by {{I|Austria-Hungary}} {{I|Hitler}} {{I|Ottoman}} [[Austria-Hungaryball|Opre]][[Nazi Germanyball|sso]][[Ottoman Empireball|rs]] and I was also occupied by other opressors aswell. I gaved you my support on defeating them. We truly hang out alot!
* {{I|Norway}} [[Norwayball]] - Oboje jesteśmy ofiarami {{I|Hitler}} [[Nazi Germanyball|Hitlera kurwa]], ale ty jesteś najszczęśliwszym krajem I najwyższym HDI. (Translation: We were both victims to {{I|Hitler}} [[Nazi Germanyball|cringe Kurwa]], but you are the happiest country and the highest HDI.)
* {{I|Finland}} [[Finlandball]] - Even if you supportings Nazi, it tried attacking you in 1943. We're also vodka drinkers. It is sibling of {{I|Hungary}} [[Hungaryball|my BFF]].
* {{I|Estonia|link=yes}} - {{I|Hungary}} [[Hungaryball|Węgry]]'s little sibling. Aww, yuo is of cute. We are being good friends.
* {{I|Czechia}} [[Czechiaball]] and {{I|Slovakia}} [[Slovakiaball]] - Other Central Slavs. Against migrants like me. Also, don't mind me about [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/poland-czech-republic-border-invasion-military-annexation-coronavirus-lockdown-a9564376.html this]. I was misunderstanding.
* {{I|German Empire}} [[German Empireball]] - I always mistakings it for its kaiser. You gave me independence in 1918! <s>But you ruled by {{I|Kingdom of Prussia}}{{I|Reichtangle}} [[Kingdom of Prussiaball|Cringe]] [[Reichtangle|Kurwas]]</s>
* {{I|Romania}} [[Romaniaball]] - Good friend, helped me during war and hates {{I|Russia}} [[Russiaball]] also.
* {{I|India}} [[Indiaball]] - Nice countryball in South Asia that is cool with my [[Indonesiaball|twin]]. Also like cow!
* {{I|USA}} [[USAball]] - Good friends. It is of cool guy. I'm in {{I|NATO}} [[NATOball]]! There are also many Polish immigrants in {{I|Chicago}} [[Chicagoball]] and {{I|Indiana}} [[Indianaball]] <s>Gib NASA so I can into space! PLSSSSSSS</s>. By the way, we both hate abortions ({{I|Texas}} [[Texasball]] just restricted it). Also, it created the Cyberpunk franchise, and I developed a [[Wikipedia:Cyberpunk 2077|game]] for the franchise!
* {{I|Brazil}} [[Brazilball]] - {{I|Catholic}} Catholic bro, and the third largest polish community ( by polish and my descendants ) it is in Brazil, especially in South.
* {{I|UK}} [[UKball]] - Helpful of during war, bossy when employer. But thanks for givings me many złotys! Also, rest in peace to your {{I|Elizabeth II}} [[Wikipedia:Elizabeth II|Queen]].
* {{I|France}} [[Franceball]] - Good wine and help me reborn <small>but [[Wikipedia:French invasion of Russia|surrendered]] like usual HAHAHAHAHAHA.</small>
* {{I|Vatican}} [[Vaticanball]] - Jan Pawel forever!
* {{I|Kosovo}} [[Kosovoball]] - I recognize you.
* {{I|Bulgaria}} [[Bulgariaball]] - Good Balkan friend. Work together a lot.
* {{I|Indonesia}} [[Indonesiaball]] - Fellow homo remover, Can into similar flag and eagle coat of arms! We can into similar course of history through enduring revolutions, wars for independence and maintaining national unity!
* {{I|Monaco}} [[Monacoball]] - Same as [[Indonesiaball]] for its glasses.
* {{I|Lithuania}} [[Lithuaniaball]] - Long live the {{I|Poland-Lithuania}} Commonwealth! One day. It will return. But I'm sorry for 1920!
* {{I|China}} [[Chinaball]] - You of signings treaty? Is nice, however, you should still of paying for {{I|Coronavirus}} COVID-19.<s>Gib vaccines now.</s> But really thank you for inviting me into your space station!'''I can into space!'''<s>'''{{I|Universe}}:Never!'''</s>
* {{I|Malaysia}} [[Malaysiaball]] - {{I|Indonesia}} [[Indonesiaball]]'s rival sibling! I sold it my [[Wikipedia:PT-91 Twardy#PT-91M Pendekar|PT-91 MBTs]], which it and {{I|France}}{{I|Slovakia}} [[Franceball|its]] [[Slovakiaball|engineers]] modified its tanks better than mine to rival {{I|Germany}} [[Germanyball|Niemcy]]'s Leopard 2 used by {{I|Indonesia}} [[Indonesiaball]] and {{I|Singapore}} [[Tringapore]]. ''<s>Sorry if I mistook you as USAball.</s>''
* {{I|Canada}} [[Canadaball]] - Świetny przyjacielu, daj mi syrop klonowy. Większość Kanadyjczyków to Polacy na preriach. Pełny szacunek I miłość do Kanadyjczyków! Kanada jest także sojusznikiem USA I domem dla WIELU POLAKÓW. YAY, POLSK! DAJ MI GROSZ OLEKSIAK!
* {{I|South Korea}} [[South Koreaball]] - Aiming to become better friends with them in future. Believes Dokdo is Korean. Gib factories and tanks, plox!
* {{I|Ukraine}} [[Ukraineball]] - Zapamiętaj naszą piękną granicę na zawsze. Mamy jedną rybę skierowaną w twoją stronę I jedną skierowaną w moją stronę. Wierzę, że wkrótce musimy się zjednoczyć. Nie martw się; Przyjmę twoich imigrantów! Popieram cię przeciwko {{I|Russia}} [[Russiaball|temu komuchowemu tyranowi]]! (Translation: Remember our lovely border forever. We have one fish facing you and one facing me. I believe that soon we must unite. Do not worry; I will accept your immigrants! I stand with you against this communist tyrant!)
* {{I|Italy}} [[Italyball]] - ''<s>Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski!</s>'' Good friend, of gib me pizza and is be really good! I can't into space but at least I can into supercar fame now. It is also the place where my anthem is wrote. Nice pizza guy. Pizza almost good enough for me to forget about your friendship with [[Nazi Germanyball|Evil kraut]].
* {{I|Philippines}} [[Philippinesball]] - Your country is beautiful, and I likings your tourist in your clay. Oh and plox take carings of [https://youtu.be/WNVe86Xb4As one of my people], just like the one you did on one of {{I|Lithuania}} Litwa's.
* {{I|Japan}} [[Japanball]] - I like your anime like Hetalia. It is us but as real-life humans! And we both released an [[Wikipedia:Cyberpunk: Edgerunners|anime in Netflix]] with one of your [[Wikipedia:Studio Trigger|studios]] and with the help of my [[Wikipedia:CD Projekt Red|game developers]]!
* {{I|Sri Lanka}} [[Sri Lankaball]] - I like your tea! <s>Is better than UK's.</s>
* {{I|Israel}} [[Israelcube]] - Yeah we both got oppresed by Nazis in WW2. Screw {{I|Nazi}} [[Nazi Germanyball|Hitler]] and [[Holocaust]]. Things do get akward sometimes but I blame Hitler. However please stop opressing {{I|Palestine}} [[Palestineball]] i may hate kebab but I stand with al-Aqsa.
* {{I|Vietnam}} [[Vietnamball]] - Good friend. Present day many of its people live and work in my clay. Its people are the largest Asian and non-European group in my clay. And we are ancient and share similar history too!
* {{I|Papua New Guinea}} [[Papua New Guineaball]] - I like your nature, But Please tell your people to stop being a cannibal.
* {{I|Palestine}} [[Palestineball]] - Kebab friend from the middle east. I support it because it being at war with {{I|Israel}} [[Israelcube]] reminds me of the old days where I was invaded by '''{{I|Nazi}} [[Nazi Germanyball|them]]'''. But, I'm sorry for not stopping Israel from torturing you. I can into recognizings you! Stay safe.
* {{I|Haiti}} [[Haitiball]] - Good friends since independence. <s>And we got a free [[8ball]]-word pass from it.</s>
* {{I|Australia}} [[Australiaball]] - Always good friend, it also named its tallest mountain (Mount Kosciuszko) after one of my fighters! <s> Upside-down siblings</s>
*{{I|Universe}} Universeball - Can Polska into yuo?
* {{I|Kiribati}} [[Kiribatiball]] - Named a village after me.
** {{I|Kiribati}} [[Polandball (Kiribati)]] - It was named after me
* {{I|Earth}} Happy Earth - I am now a new unit of measurement! >:)
* {{I|Armenia}} [[Armeniaball]] - we both have a same fate of annexation between us by {{I|Nazi Germany}}{{I|Soviet}}{{I|Turkey}} [[Nazi Germanyball|these]] [[Soviet Unionball|mons]][[Turkeyball|ters]] and now we're ok
* {{I|Georgia}} [[Georgiaball]] - Another caucasian friend. We both hate {{I|LGBT}} [[LGBTball|Homosex]].
* [https://www.youtube.com/lukaszjakowski Łukasz Jakowski] - Well done Łukasz, AOH III can into releasings and become popular!
=== Neutralni (Neutral) ===
* {{I|Austria}} [[Austriaball]] - I saved it from {{I|Ottoman}} [[Ottoman Empireball|Kebab]] in 1683 but you killed me. NEVER FORGET! But you are {{I|Hungary}} [[Hungaryball|Węgry's]] spouse.
* {{I|Sweden}} [[Swedenball]] - We were enemies at first but now we are of neutral. We both like PewDiePie and hate Article 13! BUT WHY YOU GIVE ASYLUM TO THAT COMMUNIST CRIMINAL [[Wikipedia:Stefan Michnik|MICHNIK]]? Also, AoH III is op better than HOI IV!
* {{I|Germany}} [[Germanyball]] - '''WON'T FORGET ALL THE BAD THINGS YOU DID TO ME!''' ''Were good now so it doesn't matter...''
* {{I|North Korea}} [[North Koreaball]] - This Kurwa hates me more than I hate the Nazis, but we used to have working embassies in each other so that should be okay. (But is it?) WHY YOU OK REMOVE MY EMBASSY?
* {{I|Iceland}} [[Icelandball]] - '''Okay, you little Russian kurwa or whatever you wanna call yourself. Why you not a friend of mine? You need your daily pierogis to calm yourself down? Why you so obsessed with {{I|Russia}} [[Russiaball|Vodka]]? AND KURWA DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT YEETING ME INTO {{I|Reykjavík}} [[Reykjavíkball|REYKJAVIKBALL]]! IT'LL WORK, BUT YOU'LL PAY FOR MY FUNERAL!'''
* {{I|Egypt}} [[Egyptball]] - Nothing much I can of sayings, I'm of thinkings becoming friends with it <s>but don't forget about Magdalena Zuk</s>.
* {{I|Saudi Arabia}} [[Saudi Arabiaball]] - It hates me for being friends with {{I|Serbia}} [[Serbiaball]], but at least you hate the {{I|LGBT}} [[Gay and Lesbian Kingdomball|gays]].
* {{I|Habsburg}} [[Austria-Hungaryball]] - Child of {{I|Austrian Empire}} [[Habsburg Empireball|this traitor]], but yuo is of friends with {{I|German Empire}} [[German Empireball|Niemcy]]!
* {{I|Soviet}} [[Soviet Unionball]] - GODDAMN INVADING SCUM! Well at least you of liberatings me from Nazis, but NEVER FORGET YOU LEFT WARSAW UPRISING TO BE MASSACRED! Got better after Satan Stalin, and communism was decent, but I of moved on. Yuo also brought a Pole to space and overall helped me rebuild and gave me new lands, so I have a love-hate relationship with yuo.
=== Wrogowie (Enemies) ===
* {{GIF|Nazi}} [[Nazi Germanyball|Satan]] - '''f*** YOUR f***ING MONSTERS! YOU ARE THE MAIN REASON WHY POLAND IS SO''' <s>'''POOR'''</s>''' UNLUCKY! AT LEAST THE SOVIET UNION DID GOOD THINGS FOR ME! YOU DIDN'T DO ME ANYTHING GOOD! YOU ARE A BIG jerk and NEVER TRY TO COME BACK AGAIN! ALWAYS! I'm so glad you're dead! HAHAHAHA! THIS CAN BE THIRD WAY, THIRD REICH: ONE, YOU LEAVE. TWO, I WALK IN YOUR FACE...<code>{{I|Poland-Lithuania|(tangle and hussars wings)}} [[Anschluss|OR THREE. I WILL CALL ISRAEL MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!]] {{I|Poland-Lithuania|(tangle and hussars wings)}}</code>'''
* {{I|Sweden}} [[Swedenball|evil borkface]] (sometimes) - We may be good now, but '''1629 NEVER FORGET!''' I'm so glad Russia killed yuor {{I|Swedish Empire}} [[Swedish Empireball|Empire]] in 1721. You of very much deserveds of it.
* {{I|Belarus}} [[Belarusball]] - {{I|Russia}} [[Russiaball|Russian]] puppet kurwa! BIAŁYSTOK IS MINE AND KURWA MAĆ BIEŁARUŚ! *Gives middle finger to Belarus while commanding a Leopard 2 Tank that is being driven by Germany to the border of Belarus*
* '''{{I|Kurwaball}} [[Kurwaball|My BÖRK STEALER]] - KURWA. IS. NOT. YOUR. BÖRK!'''
* {{I|George Soros}} [[Wikipedia:George Soros|George Soros]] - You are the worst person on {{I|Earth}} [[Earthball]]! '''YOU ARE EVEN WORSE THAN {{I|Swedish Empire}} [[Swedish Empireball|THEM]]!'''
* {{I|Kingdom of Prussia}} [[Kingdom of Prussiaball]] - '''''NOTHING! YOU CANNOT STEAL LAND FROM ME! I REGRET NOTHING! 1918 AND 1947 BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE! (1947 before {{I|Soviet}} [[Soviet Unionball]] puppeted me) YUO REMOVED MY {{I|Poland-Lithuania}} [[Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthball|PARENT]]! YUO WANTED MY CLAY AND GOT {{I|Austrian Empire}} [[Austrian Empireball|AUSTRIA]] TO BETRAY ME AFTER I SAVED IT FROM {{I|Ottoman Empire}} [[Ottoman Empireball|KEBAB]]! AND EVEN IT HATES YUO! I IS OF GLAD YUO ARE DEAD YUO KURWA! NEVER COMINGS BACK <big>E V E R</big> AGAINS! {{I|Poland-Lithuania|(tangle and hussars wings)}} <code>[[Anschluss|Or else...]]</code> {{I|Poland-Lithuania|(tangle and hussars wings)}}'''''
* {{I|Crimea}} [[Crimeaball]] - '''YOU! YOU ARE {{I|Ukraine}} [[Ukraineball|UKRAINIAN]] CLAY, AND THAT'S FINAL!'''
* {{I|Austrian Empire}} [[Austrian Empireball]] - Same with you! YOU ALSO BETRAYED ME! But thanks for hating {{I|Kingdom of Prussia}} [[Kingdom of Prussiaball|Alien]].
* {{I|Russian Empire}} [[Russian Empireball]] - Biggest splitter of them all! But thanks for removing {{I|Swedish Empire}} [[Swedish Empireball|this cringe börk face]] though.
*{{I|Swedish Empire}} [[Swedish Empireball|Börk who invaded of me]] - '''1629 AND 1655 NEVER FORGET! 1701 NEVER FORGET EITHER! YUO OF TAKINGS CLAY OF MINE! YUO ALSO DESTROYED MY CITIES! YUO OF DESERVINGS TO BE OF THE KILLED BY {{I|Russian Empire}} [[Russian Empireball|RUSSIA]]!'''
*{{I|Ottoman Empire}} [[Ottoman Empireball|Dumb Kebab]] - '''YUO IS OF STUPID CRINGE IMPERIALIST EXPANSIONIST! HAHAHAHA YUO GOT DESTROYED BY MY {{I|Poland-Lithuania}} [[Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthball|PARENT]] IN 1683!''' <big>'''''REMOVE KEBAB!'''''</big>
*{{I|Slovakia}} [[Slovakiaball]] (politically) - FOR KURWA'S SAKE {{I|Russia}} RUZZIA BRAINWASHED ANOTHER?? HOW CAN YUO SUPPORT THEM??
* {{I|England}} [[Englandball]] - How dare you hate me because of my {{I|Hungary}} [[Hungaryball|best friend]], you kurwa!
* {{I|Vanuatu}} [[Vanuatuball]] - Stop bullying {{I|Indonesia}} [[Indonesiaball|my Azjatycki odpowiednik]] for calling it the "Papuan Genocider"!
* {{I|Somalia}} [[Somaliaball]] - '''AHHHHHH! SCARY PIRATES GET AWAY FROM ME! REMOVE!'''
* {{I|LGBT}} [[Gay and Lesbian Kingdomball|Gays]] (Under PiS) - '''I HATE HOMOGENDER! KURWA! NEVER COME BACK! <s>GO TO BRAZIL!</s>'''
* {{I|Senegal}} [[Senegalball]] - Never forget World Cup 2018!
== Drobnostki (Trivia) ==
* <s>It is the most invaded country in Europe.</s>
* In real life, there was only one Polish person that ever went to {{I|Poland|(space)}} space: Mirosław Hermaszewski.
* The colors of the Polish flag are reversed to that of their countryball because on the [https://web.archive.org/web/20090703172708/http://drawball.com/ drawball.com] page (where it was drawn for the first time by Polish users). They drew it with inverted colors, so it stayed that way in all future memes.
* It is {{I|Catholic}} Catholic.
* Sometimes, it is confused with the Pokémon Voltorb, {{I|Indonesia}} [[Indonesiaball]], or {{I|Monaco}} [[Monacoball]].
* It cleans {{I|UK}} UKball's and {{I|Germany}} Germanyball's bathrooms.
* When it is scared or in trouble its characteristic cry is "[[Kurwa]]!" (which means fuck).
* It is the most popular countryball (considering that {{I|Poland}} Poland itself is the main character of the meme).
* Sometimes it speaks in third person grammar (it) referring to itself.
* It is not afraid of anything <s>except for {{I|Germany}} Germanyball and {{I|Russia}} Russiaball</s>.
* It likes soccer, being a fan of the footballer Robert Lewandowski.
* When the {{I|Nazi}} Nazis invaded Poland, it turned into a clandestine country.
* In {{I|Poland}} Polish language, the native name of the country (Polska) is a feminine noun. This explains why Polonia, the national personification of the country, is a woman.
* It once had a bear soldier named 🐻 [[Wikipedia:Wojtek (bear)|Wojtek]], and he assisted it in the Battle of Montecassino by transporting ammunition.
* It has a great fear of {{I|Winged Doom}} [[Omskbird]], in which {{I|Poland}} Poland will have trauma just by saying "Omsk".
* While some countryballs are drawn exactly like their flag, Polandball is drawn with its flag upside down, because <s>everything in Poland is "upside down"</s> the creator of {{I|Poland}} Polandball, {{I|UK}} FALCO, wanted to troll {{I|Poland}} Wojak on {{I|Krautchan}} [[Krautchan]] as {{I|Poland}} Wojak is {{I|Poland}} Polish.
* It invented the oil well all the way back in 1853.
** {{I|USA}}<s>: WHAT?! GIVE ME THE WELL NOW!</s>
* It also invented the {{I|Esperanto}} Esperanto language, which has been recognized as {{I|Poland}} Polish cultural heritage by the UNESCO
* The person who modeled that the Sun is the center of the universe, Nicolas Copernicus, is Polish.
* As of now, {{I|Poland}} Poland is the only countryball that can into identical twins that hold the most powerful government positions: Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński (born June 18, 1949), whom the twin brothers served as the president from 2005 to 2010 and prime minister from 2006 to 2007 respectively.
** They also founded the Law and Justice Party (PiS), one of the most dominant political parties in the country.<ref>https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/382921-first-identical-twin-heads-of-state</ref>
** Lech sadly passed away in a plane crash in {{I|Smolensk Oblast}} [[Smolenskball]], {{I|Russia}} [[Russiaball]] on April 10, 2010. Jarosław on the other hand is still alive.
== Informacje dla artystów (Information for artists) ==
=== Kolory flagi (Flag colors) ===
|color1-hex = #FFFFFF
|color1-name = White
|color1-rgb = 255, 255, 255
|color1-cmyk = N/A
|color1-pantone = N/A
|color2-name = Rusty Red
|color2-hex = #D4213D
|color2-rgb = 212, 33, 61
|color2-cmyk = C0-M84-Y071-K017
|color2-pantone = 1795
=== Jak rysować (How to draw) ===
[[File:Upside Down Flag of Poland.png|thumb|center|190px|The flag you must draw for Polandball.]]
{{Drawing difficulty|trivial}}
Polandball is a red and white countryball divided into two halves. Unlike the real Polish flag, the red is on the top half of the ball and the white is on the bottom half of the ball, like in the image above. This is done to portray Polandball as an upside down countryball, though this has caused confusion with {{I|Indonesia}} [[Indonesiaball]] and {{I|Monaco}} [[Monacoball]]. Drawing Polandball is pretty simple, and can be done in these simple steps.
# Draw a circular shape freehand.
# Draw the Polish flag upside down (as explained above).
# Draw the eyes and you're finished.
== Cytaty (Quotes) ==
{{Scroll|{{Quote|Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła,<br>Kiedy my żyjemy.<br>Co nam obca przemoc wzięła,<br>Szablą odbierzemy.<br>({{I|Poland}} Poland has not yet perished, so long as we still live.<br>What the {{I|Reich}}{{I|Habsburgtangle}}{{I|Russian Empire|(tangle)}} [[Kingdom of Prussiaball|ali]][[Habsburg Empireball|en]] [[Tsardom of Russiaball|force]] has [[Wikipedia:Partitions of Poland|taken from us]], we shall retrieve with force.)|{{I|Poland}} Józef Wybicki writing the Polish anthem}}
{{Quote|KURWA... MAĆ!|{{I|Satan}} Satan from the 21st episode of Grupa Filmowa Darwin's Great Conflicts, "Satan vs. Job"}}
{{Quote|WHEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARIVED!|{{I|Sweden}} Sabaton singing about the battle of Vienna}}
{{Quote|Tylko jedno w głowie mam,<br>koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam,<br>w krainę za zapomnieeenia...<br>W głowie myśli mam,<br>kiedy skończy się ten stan,<br>Gdy już nie będę sam,<br>Bo wjedzie biały węgorz...|Cypis singing "Gdzie Jest Biały Węgorz?", which would become known to be affiliated with a 🐮 dancing cow meme}}
{{Quote|Ty chuju bobrze nie uciekaj<br>Precz kurwa!<br>No idzie?!<br>Siedź!<br>Ale fajny bóbr...<br>Aaaaaararararararra! Kurwa gryzie!|A Polish man after seeing a 🦫 beaver}}
{{Quote| You're a little slow and you're probably from Poland.|Puff Puff Humbert}}
{{Quote|I hate portals.|Geralt of Rivia|''The Witcher''}}
{{Quote|Time to party like it's 2023.|{{I|USA}} Johnny Silverhand, played by {{I|Lebanon}}{{I|Canada}} Keanu Reeves|''Cyberpunk 2077''}}
{{Quote|When demon girls are involved, no price is high enough.|Helltaker}}
{{Quote|O Cholera. Czy to Freddy Fazebear?!|{{I|Poland}} A Polish man when he saw a Freddy Fazbear trash can}}
{{Quote|W pewnym, zwykłym domu, są zamknięte drzwi.<br>Świat nieznany tam nikomu, wszystko w nim dziwne jest jak sny!|{{I|Poland}} Polish singer for the ending credits of Dexter's Laboratory}}}}
== Galeria (Gallery) ==
== Uwagi i odniesienia (Notes and references) ==


Revision as of 07:42, 31 January 2025

GEKOLONISEERD! - Dutch Republicball

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Polandball , officially the Republic of Polandball is a country in central europe. He borders Germanyball to the west, Russiaball to the north through Kaliningradball, Lithuaniaball to the northeast, Czechia and Slovakia to the south.

It is deemed the holiest countryball ever to exist. Polandball is divided into 16 voivodeshipballs, including its capital File:Warsaw-icon.png Warsawball, giving it a total area of 312,696 square kilometres, making it the 69th nice largest countryball in the world. As of 2019, it has a total population of 38,383,000 inhabitants. Polandball also always gets the last laugh because anyone who annexes Polandball, falls apart (happened to USSRball, File:RussianEmpire-icon.png Russian Empireball, File:Nazi-icon.png Nazi Germanyball, Austrian Empireball and German Empireball).


Polandball is often portrayed as a naive countryball bullied by its neighbours for partitions or annexations.

Polandball also likes Ukraineball, the File:Murica-icon.png USAball and other Allies (except the Soviet Unionball) for help during World War II against the File:Nazi-icon.png Nazis.

Relacje (Relationships)

Przyjaciele (Friends)

  • Węgry - Polak, Węgier Dwa Bratanki! My best friend ever. Can best friends since of Middle Ages. We are not of relatives, but we call each other siblings. Both into hatings Reich kraut . Thanks for accepting my refugees in 1939. Even if we speak a different language, we still understand each other. We are rivals in football only. Usually I cheer it up when it is sad. But I must help Ukraine instead of siding with Russia we are of blood brothers. That of why I of angrier at yuo.
    • - I chose to fight Russia because I want to free you from its influence! Don't you remember what happened in 1956? You're my best friend, and I KNOW you're better than that.
  • File:Szekelyland-icon.png Székely Landball - Godchild. I know what you feel. Child of Węgry.
  • Denmarkball - Klocki Lego. Upewnij się, że ta piekielna dziura nie chowa się w twoim lego!(Translation: Lego bricks. Make shure that helly hole does not hide in your Legos)
  • Serbiaball - Good friend who has helped me with everything I've dealt with! He gaved us food products, culture and so much more! REMOVE KEBAB! I truly felt bad that you were occupied by Opressors and I was also occupied by other opressors aswell. I gaved you my support on defeating them. We truly hang out alot!
  • Norwayball - Oboje jesteśmy ofiarami Hitlera kurwa, ale ty jesteś najszczęśliwszym krajem I najwyższym HDI. (Translation: We were both victims to cringe Kurwa, but you are the happiest country and the highest HDI.)
  • Finlandball - Even if you supportings Nazi, it tried attacking you in 1943. We're also vodka drinkers. It is sibling of my BFF.
  • File:Estonia-icon.png Estoniaball - Węgry's little sibling. Aww, yuo is of cute. We are being good friends.
  • Czechiaball and Slovakiaball - Other Central Slavs. Against migrants like me. Also, don't mind me about this. I was misunderstanding.
  • German Empireball - I always mistakings it for its kaiser. You gave me independence in 1918! But you ruled by File:Kingdom of Prussia-icon.png Cringe Kurwas
  • Romaniaball - Good friend, helped me during war and hates Russiaball also.
  • Indiaball - Nice countryball in South Asia that is cool with my twin. Also like cow!
  • USAball - Good friends. It is of cool guy. I'm in File:NATO-icon.png NATOball! There are also many Polish immigrants in File:Chicago-icon.png Chicagoball and File:Indiana-icon.png Indianaball Gib NASA so I can into space! PLSSSSSSS. By the way, we both hate abortions ( Texasball just restricted it). Also, it created the Cyberpunk franchise, and I developed a game for the franchise!
  • Brazilball - Catholic bro, and the third largest polish community ( by polish and my descendants ) it is in Brazil, especially in South.
  • UKball - Helpful of during war, bossy when employer. But thanks for givings me many złotys! Also, rest in peace to your File:Elizabeth II-icon.png Queen.
  • Franceball - Good wine and help me reborn but surrendered like usual HAHAHAHAHAHA.
  • Vaticanball - Jan Pawel forever!
  • Kosovoball - I recognize you.
  • Bulgariaball - Good Balkan friend. Work together a lot.
  • Indonesiaball - Fellow homo remover, Can into similar flag and eagle coat of arms! We can into similar course of history through enduring revolutions, wars for independence and maintaining national unity!
  • Monacoball - Same as Indonesiaball for its glasses.
  • Lithuaniaball - Long live the File:Poland-Lithuania-icon.png Commonwealth! One day. It will return. But I'm sorry for 1920!
  • Chinaball - You of signings treaty? Is nice, however, you should still of paying for File:Coronavirus-icon.png COVID-19.Gib vaccines now. But really thank you for inviting me into your space station!I can into space!:Never!
  • File:Malaysia-icon.png Malaysiaball - Indonesiaball's rival sibling! I sold it my PT-91 MBTs, which it and its engineers modified its tanks better than mine to rival Niemcy's Leopard 2 used by Indonesiaball and Tringapore. Sorry if I mistook you as USAball.
  • Canadaball - Świetny przyjacielu, daj mi syrop klonowy. Większość Kanadyjczyków to Polacy na preriach. Pełny szacunek I miłość do Kanadyjczyków! Kanada jest także sojusznikiem USA I domem dla WIELU POLAKÓW. YAY, POLSK! DAJ MI GROSZ OLEKSIAK!
  • South Koreaball - Aiming to become better friends with them in future. Believes Dokdo is Korean. Gib factories and tanks, plox!
  • Ukraineball - Zapamiętaj naszą piękną granicę na zawsze. Mamy jedną rybę skierowaną w twoją stronę I jedną skierowaną w moją stronę. Wierzę, że wkrótce musimy się zjednoczyć. Nie martw się; Przyjmę twoich imigrantów! Popieram cię przeciwko temu komuchowemu tyranowi! (Translation: Remember our lovely border forever. We have one fish facing you and one facing me. I believe that soon we must unite. Do not worry; I will accept your immigrants! I stand with you against this communist tyrant!)
  • Italyball - Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski! Good friend, of gib me pizza and is be really good! I can't into space but at least I can into supercar fame now. It is also the place where my anthem is wrote. Nice pizza guy. Pizza almost good enough for me to forget about your friendship with Evil kraut.
  • File:Philippines-icon.png Philippinesball - Your country is beautiful, and I likings your tourist in your clay. Oh and plox take carings of one of my people, just like the one you did on one of Litwa's.
  • Japanball - I like your anime like Hetalia. It is us but as real-life humans! And we both released an anime in Netflix with one of your studios and with the help of my game developers!
  • File:Sri Lanka-icon.png Sri Lankaball - I like your tea! Is better than UK's.
  • Israelcube - Yeah we both got oppresed by Nazis in WW2. Screw File:Nazi-icon.png Hitler and Holocaust. Things do get akward sometimes but I blame Hitler. However please stop opressing Palestineball i may hate kebab but I stand with al-Aqsa.
  • File:Vietnam-icon.png Vietnamball - Good friend. Present day many of its people live and work in my clay. Its people are the largest Asian and non-European group in my clay. And we are ancient and share similar history too!
  • Papua New Guineaball - I like your nature, But Please tell your people to stop being a cannibal.
  • Palestineball - Kebab friend from the middle east. I support it because it being at war with Israelcube reminds me of the old days where I was invaded by File:Nazi-icon.png them. But, I'm sorry for not stopping Israel from torturing you. I can into recognizings you! Stay safe.
  • Haitiball - Good friends since independence. And we got a free 8ball-word pass from it.
  • Australiaball - Always good friend, it also named its tallest mountain (Mount Kosciuszko) after one of my fighters! Upside-down siblings
  • Universeball - Can Polska into yuo?
  • File:Kiribati-icon.png Kiribatiball - Named a village after me.
  • Happy Earth - I am now a new unit of measurement! >:)
  • Armeniaball - we both have a same fate of annexation between us by File:Nazi Germany-icon.pngFile:Turkey-icon.png these monsters and now we're ok
  • File:Georgia-icon.png Georgiaball - Another caucasian friend. We both hate File:LGBT-icon.png Homosex.
  • Łukasz Jakowski - Well done Łukasz, AOH III can into releasings and become popular!

Neutralni (Neutral)

  • Austriaball - I saved it from Kebab in 1683 but you killed me. NEVER FORGET! But you are Węgry's spouse.
  • Swedenball - We were enemies at first but now we are of neutral. We both like PewDiePie and hate Article 13! BUT WHY YOU GIVE ASYLUM TO THAT COMMUNIST CRIMINAL MICHNIK? Also, AoH III is op better than HOI IV!
  • Germanyball - WON'T FORGET ALL THE BAD THINGS YOU DID TO ME! Were good now so it doesn't matter...
  • North Koreaball - This Kurwa hates me more than I hate the Nazis, but we used to have working embassies in each other so that should be okay. (But is it?) WHY YOU OK REMOVE MY EMBASSY?
  • Icelandball - Okay, you little Russian kurwa or whatever you wanna call yourself. Why you not a friend of mine? You need your daily pierogis to calm yourself down? Why you so obsessed with Vodka? AND KURWA DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT YEETING ME INTO File:Reykjavík-icon.png REYKJAVIKBALL! IT'LL WORK, BUT YOU'LL PAY FOR MY FUNERAL!
  • Egyptball - Nothing much I can of sayings, I'm of thinkings becoming friends with it but don't forget about Magdalena Zuk.
  • Saudi Arabiaball - It hates me for being friends with Serbiaball, but at least you hate the File:LGBT-icon.png gays.
  • File:Habsburg-icon.png Austria-Hungaryball - Child of this traitor, but yuo is of friends with Niemcy!
  • Soviet Unionball - GODDAMN INVADING SCUM! Well at least you of liberatings me from Nazis, but NEVER FORGET YOU LEFT WARSAW UPRISING TO BE MASSACRED! Got better after Satan Stalin, and communism was decent, but I of moved on. Yuo also brought a Pole to space and overall helped me rebuild and gave me new lands, so I have a love-hate relationship with yuo.

Wrogowie (Enemies)

Drobnostki (Trivia)

  • It is the most invaded country in Europe.
  • In real life, there was only one Polish person that ever went to space: Mirosław Hermaszewski.
  • The colors of the Polish flag are reversed to that of their countryball because on the drawball.com page (where it was drawn for the first time by Polish users). They drew it with inverted colors, so it stayed that way in all future memes.
  • It is Catholic.
  • Sometimes, it is confused with the Pokémon Voltorb, Indonesiaball, or Monacoball.
  • It cleans UKball's and Germanyball's bathrooms.
  • When it is scared or in trouble its characteristic cry is "Kurwa!" (which means fuck).
  • It is the most popular countryball (considering that Poland itself is the main character of the meme).
  • Sometimes it speaks in third person grammar (it) referring to itself.
  • It is not afraid of anything except for Germanyball and Russiaball.
  • It likes soccer, being a fan of the footballer Robert Lewandowski.
  • When the File:Nazi-icon.png Nazis invaded Poland, it turned into a clandestine country.
  • In Polish language, the native name of the country (Polska) is a feminine noun. This explains why Polonia, the national personification of the country, is a woman.
  • It once had a bear soldier named 🐻 Wojtek, and he assisted it in the Battle of Montecassino by transporting ammunition.
  • It has a great fear of File:Winged Doom-icon.png Omskbird, in which Poland will have trauma just by saying "Omsk".
  • While some countryballs are drawn exactly like their flag, Polandball is drawn with its flag upside down, because everything in Poland is "upside down" the creator of Polandball, FALCO, wanted to troll Wojak on File:Krautchan-icon.png Krautchan as Wojak is Polish.
  • It invented the oil well all the way back in 1853.
  • It also invented the File:Esperanto-icon.png Esperanto language, which has been recognized as Polish cultural heritage by the UNESCO
  • The person who modeled that the Sun is the center of the universe, Nicolas Copernicus, is Polish.
  • As of now, Poland is the only countryball that can into identical twins that hold the most powerful government positions: Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński (born June 18, 1949), whom the twin brothers served as the president from 2005 to 2010 and prime minister from 2006 to 2007 respectively.
    • They also founded the Law and Justice Party (PiS), one of the most dominant political parties in the country.[1]
    • Lech sadly passed away in a plane crash in File:Smolensk Oblast-icon.png Smolenskball, Russiaball on April 10, 2010. Jarosław on the other hand is still alive.

Informacje dla artystów (Information for artists)

Kolory flagi (Flag colors)


Jak rysować (How to draw)

File:Upside Down Flag of Poland.png
The flag you must draw for Polandball.

Template:Drawing difficulty Polandball is a red and white countryball divided into two halves. Unlike the real Polish flag, the red is on the top half of the ball and the white is on the bottom half of the ball, like in the image above. This is done to portray Polandball as an upside down countryball, though this has caused confusion with Indonesiaball and Monacoball. Drawing Polandball is pretty simple, and can be done in these simple steps.

  1. Draw a circular shape freehand.
  2. Draw the Polish flag upside down (as explained above).
  3. Draw the eyes and you're finished.

Cytaty (Quotes)


Galeria (Gallery)


Uwagi i odniesienia (Notes and references)

es:Poloniabola Category Countries

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