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Before the Arrival of the Europeans (11,500 BC–1513)[edit | edit source]
About 11,500 years ago, the first Caveballs arrived. After many years of discovering new things, several 3balls inhabited the continent. These indigenous nations were composed of several tribes with similar cultures and languages, allied or neutral among themselves. Sometimes, they warred against tribes of other nations and tribes of the same nation. Among them, the
Na-Dene peoples (File:Navajo-icon.png Navajos and
Apaches), File:Iroquois Confederacy-icon.png Iroquois peoples, the
Algonquins peoples (for example, the
Cree and
Ojibwe), the File:Lakotah-icon.png Sioux, File:NewMexico-icon.png Puebloans, File:Aztec-icon.png Uto-Aztecs, Plano cultures (in the southwestern part of present-day
USAball), the File:Inuit-icon.png Inuits and the
Hawaiians (
7balls) stand out. These indigenous families were, in turn, divided into several smaller tribes. The total number of indigenous natives living in the present-day
USAball before the arrival of the first Europeans is not known for sure. However, this number is estimated to be between one and fifteen million
3balls. The Plano and Folsom cultures in the Great Plains were evident until c. 4000 BC.
Early Colonial History (1513–1754)[edit | edit source]
The 3balls lived in peace until 1492 when File:London-icon.png Genoaball landed in the West Indies. In 1513,
Spainball landed in Florida. They founded the first permanent settlement in present-day
USAball—St. Augustineball—on August 28, 1565. Later, other Europeans also made their settlements:
Franceball and
Englandball established colonies on the East Coast of North America in the later 16th century, and
the Dutch and
Swedes settled in the northeast. One of these settlements has a curious history:
Englandball's File:Lost Colony-icon.png Roanoke Colonyball disappeared in 1585. There are many theories about what happened.
By the mid-1600s, North America had been settled by Europeanballs, with a few 3balls like File:Wabanaki Confederacy-icon.png Wabanaki Confederacyball (in New Englandball) and File:Iroquois Confederacy-icon.png Iroquois Confederacyball (in New Yorkball). File:New Spain-icon.png New Spainball Anschlussed lots of clay, especially the West. At the same time,
Franceball claimed File:French Louisiana-icon.png French Louisianaball and File:French Canada-icon.png French Canadaball, and
Englandball claimed the East Coast. Finally, during the 1640s,
the Dutch expelled File:New-Sweden-icon.png New Swedenball from North America.
In 1607, File:British America-icon.png Virginiaball became the first English colony in the Americas. It was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen, and English colonists hoped to find gold or other precious metals but found nothing. Still, it met a native named Pocahontas. So, instead, File:British America-icon.png Virginiaball became an agricultural colony, exporting tobacco to Englandball from 1612.
Englandball founded other early colonial provinces along the Atlantic Ocean. For example, File:British America-icon.png New Hampshireball was founded in 1629, File:British America-icon.png Marylandball (named in honor of Queen Mary) in 1631, File:British America-icon.png Connecticutball and File:British America-icon.png Rhode Islandball in 1636, File:British America-icon.png Delawareball and File:British America-icon.png New Jerseyball in 1664, File:British America-icon.png Pennsylvaniaball (named in honor of Sir William Penn, the parent of the founder of the colony) in 1681, and File:British America-icon.png Massachusettsball in 1691.
However, what would be modern-day New Yorkball was once conquered by
the Dutch in 1664.
They called themselves File:New Netherland-icon.png New Netherlandsball, whose capital has been New Amsterdamball since 1614.
The English captured File:New Netherland-icon.png New Netherlandsball in 1664 and renamed it to "New Yorkball."
In 1663, King Charles II ceded the clay between File:British America-icon.png British Virginiaball and File:Spanish Florida-icon.png Spanish Floridaball to eight different owners. This region was then called File:British America-icon.png Carolinaball (in honor of King Charles II). In 1712, File:British America-icon.png Carolinaball was divided into three areas. The northern region became File:British America-icon.png North Carolinaball, and the central part became File:British America-icon.png South Carolinaball. The southern region remained sparsely inhabited and did not officially become a British colony until 1733 when it became File:British America-icon.png Georgiaball (in honor of King George I).
These File:British America-icon.png thirteen colonies, better known as one entity, were influenced by
its parent's File:Protestant-icon.png Protestantism, picked up in 1620. It lived through
its parent's Commonwealth phase (1649 – 1660). In the latter part of the 17th century,
Thirteen Coloniesball fought wars with File:French Canada-icon.png New Franceball on
its parent's behalf, such as King William's War and Queen Anne's War. In 1692,
Thirteen Coloniesball held the infamous Salem Witch Trials but moved on; by 1735, it was File:British Empire-icon.png the British's most prosperous and most successful colony via the
slave trade.
At the time, there was the Triangular trade: Europeans exported textiles and rum to Africa, which provided enslaved 8balls to the colonies in the Americas, which in turn fed the production of sugar, tobacco, and cotton in Europe.
But, of course, pirates occasionally attacked ships that took this route.
In 1753, the population of Thirteen Coloniesball was 1.3 million. Their economies were based primarily on agriculture and exporting agricultural products to other places. Therefore,
Thirteen Coloniesball already attracted thousands of immigrants annually, becoming a multicultural society.
Independence (1754–1789)[edit | edit source]
In 1754, Franceball fought File:British Empire-icon.png the British in the Seven Years War, and
Thirteen Coloniesball was involved on behalf of File:British Empire-icon.png its parent.
Both Franceball and File:British Empire-icon.png the British claimed clay stretching from the Appalachians to the Mississippi River. Different
3balls participated in the war, some on the British side and some on the French side.
Thirteen Coloniesball fought
Franceball's child File:New France-icon.png New Franceball again. When it won in 1763, File:New France-icon.png New Franceball was forcibly adopted by File:British Empire-icon.png the British, who also annexed all French clay west of the Mississippi River except for New Orleansball. As a result, they became File:Spanish-Empire-icon.png Spanish colonies.
Franceball had to hand over File:French Canada-icon.png French Canadaball to File:British Empire-icon.png the British and File:French Louisiana-icon.png French Louisianaball to File:Spanish-Empire-icon.png Spainball.
The Seven Years' War heavily indebted the File:British Empire-icon.png the British. Furthermore, File:British Empire-icon.png the British, by taking control of a much larger clay, was forced to increase costs concerning the defense and maintenance of order in its colonies. As a result, the File:British Empire-icon.png British government created or expanded a series of taxes throughout its empire. Aditionally, it raised the taxes from Thirteen Coloniesball to cover its expenses and pay for the Seven Years' War.
These tax hikes included the 1763 Stamp Act and the 1766 Quartering Act, which Thirteen Coloniesball called the "Intolerable Acts," despite both being repealed. Finally, things came to a head in 1770 after the Boston Massacre. When
Thirteen Coloniesball received a tea tax from File:British Empire-icon.png the British, it rebelled and threw all of its tea into File:Boston-icon.png Bostonball's harbor in 1773, resulting in tensions rising between parent and child until it erupted in 1775 at Lexington and Concord.
In 1776, Thirteen Coloniesball declared its independence and renamed itself
USAball, and File:Kingdom of Morocco-icon.png Moroccoball was the first countryball to recognize its independence. Initially, the
American rebels had a small armed force, poorly trained and poorly equipped. It also dealt with a pressing lack of leaders and commanders. Furthermore, it lacked weapons, supplies, and monetary funds. Despite this, the cause of independence was more important.
Furthermore, the rebels had the advantage of fighting in a vast and well-known territory unknown to the File:British Empire-icon.png British troops. Initially, the rebels suffered several defeats. Over time, however, they dominated the war. Finally, USAball started to defeat File:British Empire-icon.png the British.
USAball became friends with
Russiaball via trade. It even visited it and Catherine the Great (even though it indirectly supported
USAball for the rest of the Revolutionary War). Sadly, it continued struggling in the battle for about a year or so. Eventually, File:British Empire-icon.png the British was defeated at File:British America-icon.png Saratogaball in 1777. The defeat caused
Dutch Republicball, and File:Spanish-Empire-icon.png Spainball—historic rivals of File:British Empire-icon.png the British—to directly start supporting
USAball via substantial military and economic aid. The
File:Spanish-Empire-icon.png Europeanballs' entry into the war served as a proxy war against File:British Empire-icon.png the British.
USAball also got help from File:Kingdom of Morocco-icon.png Moroccoball, though to a lesser extent.
In 1781, USAball and
Franceball cornered File:British Empire-icon.png the British at File:British America-icon.png Yorktownball. They blocked their fleet and joined a professional army with
USAball's volunteers. Rumor has it that in the Siege of Yorktown,
USAball fought head-to-head with File:British Empire-icon.png its parent's militia, killed them all, and almost killed File:British Empire-icon.png its parent, forcing it to surrender and recognize
USAball's independence in 1783. File:British Empire-icon.png The British were so angry that it refused to sit for the picture of the Treaty of Paris, formally recognizing
USAball's independence.
USAball received all File:British America-icon.png British clay south of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, east of the Mississippi River, and north of File:Spanish Florida-icon.png Spanish Floridaball.
USAball spent the next few years trying to establish itself as a countryball and becoming a republic rather than a monarchy. It remained the only republic on
Earthball until the bankrupt and ruined
Franceball had Template:GIF a sudden mental crisis that led to a change of personality in 1789.
The Early Years (1789–1825)[edit | edit source]
USAball's Constitution (created in 1787) instituted a system of electoral colleges. In 1789, George Washington—who had been the leader of the
American rebels in the American Revolution—was unanimously chosen by members of the electoral college as the first President of
In the 1790s, USAball was independent but financially and economically crippled as it tried to establish ties with continental European countryballs.
USAball suffered from several problems, such as a lack of infrastructure and a vast public debt. In addition,
USAball's economic problems were enormous. Also,
USAball was also divided into a North (whose economy was primarily based on domestic trade and the nascent manufacturing industry and whose population was mainly against
slave labor) and a South (whose economy relied heavily on agriculture and
slave labor). The South's products—primarily cotton—were sold mainly to other countryballs. Another problem was the start of a new war between File:French First Republic-icon.png Franceball (who was in the middle of Template:GIF the French Revolution) and File:British Empire-icon.png the British and File:Spanish-Empire-icon.png Spainball.
The French Revolutionaries expected military aid from USAball (some French revolutionaries, like the Marquis de Lafayette, were veterans of the Revolutionary War). However, some
Americans were in favor, and others were against it. Finally, George Washington decided on neutrality, causing political and military friction between File:French First Republic-icon.png Revolutionary Franceball and
USAball started minting coins in 1792. By 1796, it had begun exploring and colonizing clay as far as
the Ohio Territory. In 1800,
USAball began to design its new capital cityball, File:WashingtonDC-icon.png DCball. In 1803,
Franceball, isolated against a giant European coalition, sold
Louisiana Purchaseball for 15 million US dollars, doubling the size of
USAball's clay. File:Napoleonic-icon.png Napoleon saw the clay only as a drain on French coffers and didn't want a war against File:British Empire-icon.png the British and File:British America-icon.png British North Americaball and used the money earned from
USAball to invest in its armed forces to acquire clay in Europe.
Also in 1803, File:Napoleonic-icon.png Napoleon's Franceball and File:British Empire-icon.png the British were again at war. Both countryballs attacked American merchant ships.
USAball instituted an embargo against the them in 1807. However, the embargo caused a significant economic recession in
, which was not the superpower it is today and had little effect either on the attacks or on the strong File:British Empire-icon.png British and French economies. James Madison became President in 1809, and
Franceball agreed to stop attacking American merchant ships. File:British Empire-icon.png The British, however, continued actively with these attacks.
In 1809, however, after run-ins with the Barbary pirates and File:British Empire-icon.png the British navy, USAball's diplomatic skills were tested. In 1812, after an attempted invasion of its sibling File:British America-icon.png British North Americaball (present-day
Canadaball), File:British Empire-icon.png the British invaded and helped burn down
USAball's White House in 1814. The War of 1812 ended in 1815 with ties established between parent and child.
USAball then wrote the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 to prevent another invasion of the Europeans against
File:First Mexican Empire-icon.pngFile:Federal Republic of Central America-icon.pngFile:Gran Colombia-icon.pngFile:Brazilian Empire-icon.png
File:Bolivar Republic-icon.png
File:Paraguay (1813)-icon.pngFile:United Provinces of Rio de la Plata-icon.png the free countryballs of the New World after inventing the steamship in 1817.
Manifest Destiny and the Civil War (1825–1865)[edit | edit source]
After the end of the War of 1812, the defeat of File:Napoleonic-icon.png Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Waterloo, and the Congress of Vienna (all events taking place in 1815), an era of relative stability began in Europe. American leaders paid less attention to European conflicts and trade with Europe. Instead, they began to focus more on the country's domestic development. In 1819, USAball bought and Anschlussed File:Spanish Florida-icon.png Floridaball.
In the 1830s, USAball started to remove
3balls from its clay by displacing them westwards; in 1833, the
3balls embarked on the infamous Trail of Tears. This case ended up in the US Supreme Court, which ruled the possibility of favoring
the Natives. But unfortunately, the President—Andrew Jackson—ignored the Supreme Court's mandate.
However, USAball felt obligated to
File:USA-icon tangle.png Manifest Destiny
and set off in a wagon to explore the Midwest in the 1840s. As the population of central and western USAball gradually increased, it created new territories and states. In 1846, File:British Empire-icon.png the British ceded the southern part of the Oregon Territory to
USAball. It won a war against
Mexicoball in 1848, adopting its rebellious children File:ROT-icon.png Texasball and File:CaliforniaR-icon.png Californiaball. Between 1848 and 1849,
USAball discovered gold in the latter's clay, leading to the California Gold Rush. In 1853, it purchased some clay from
Mexicoball with that gold. The same year, it opened up File:Tokugawa-icon.png Japanball to trade. In 1840, it freed
Liberiaball after sending some of its
enslaved 8balls there in 1822 and secured its northeastern border with File:British Empire-icon.png the British via the 1842 Webster-Abshruton Treaty.
In the 1850s, USAball was already a tremendous regional, economic, and military power. Thousands of immigrants from European countries settled annually in
USAball. However, the political, social, and economic differences between the North and South of
USAball had grown dramatically since its independence in 1783. The population of the North had increased significantly and was nearly triple the population of the South. As a result, most immigrants settled in the North, whose economy was heavily industrialized and whose population was against the use of
slave labor. In contrast, the South remained dependent on cotton exports to European countryballs.
USAball, now touching every body of water near it, started to fill out, as, at this point, it was still pretty lean and made itself at home on its new clay. It had some growing pains as it was filling out. Some stateballs started to fight over their self-sovereignty, as
USAball was a pretty chill parent. The main argument of self-sovereignty that the stateballs had was over
slavery, which
USAball left alone. After all, it did not have a strong opinion of
8balls or any
enslaved people because
USAball just grew up with
slavery as a norm. So, holding to its neutrality, it let the new stateballs allow or disallow
slavery when they joined. Still, once it did, it was pretty much left that way to keep a balance, leading to the Mason-Dixon agreement and the Missouri Compromise. An equal number of slave-owning stateballs and free stateballs would maintain a delicate balance. However, when
USAball formally adopted
Kansasball, it chose to become a free stateball, upsetting the balance and causing a crisis between 1856 and 1857.
Missouriball and the other slave-owning stateballs soon protested this to
In 1861, the free stateballs and slave-owning stateballs finally had enough. The slave-owning Southern stateballs seceded from USAball's clay, forming File:CSA-icon.png CSAball; the North called itself
the Union. The first shots were exchanged at Fort Sumter in mid-1861. File:CSA-icon.png CSAball initially gained the upper hand against the divided
USAball, who eventually struck back at the Battles of Antietam and Shiloh the following year. File:British Empire-icon.png The British and File:Napoleonic-icon.png Franceball considered helping File:CSA-icon.png CSAball briefly but decided against it. In 1863,
USAball liberated the
8balls in File:CSA-icon.png CSAball's clay after the Battle of Gettysburg, galvanizing
the Union and leading to a massive offensive. File:US Georgia-icon.png Georgiaball was forced to bear the weight of the
the Union's advance as it marched to the sea through File:Atlanta-icon.png Atlantaball in mid-late 1864. Finally, File:CSA-icon.png CSAball was forced to surrender in 1865, ending the Civil War.
USAball introduced Reconstruction to the rebellious stateballs and re-incorporated them by 1870. Unfortunately, it allowed them to create the Jim Crow laws to appease the racial tension. Those discriminatory laws against
8balls would continue openly across
USAball for the next century (not being wholly repealed until 1964).
The Gilded Age (1865–1917)[edit | edit source]
After the Civil War, USAball focused on civilizing the Wild West, such as building a transcontinental railroad—completed in 1871—and removing the
3balls. However, this sometimes resulted in
USAball's loss, such as at Little Big Horn in 1876.
USAball forced
3balls to move to Indian reservations to make room for cities and farms. They initially resisted, attacking
American farms and cities.
This is where those scenes of Still, most of the violent resistance movements on the part of the 3balls attacking caravans in Western movies came about.
3balls ended in 1900.
USAball also expanded its clay by purchasing File:Russian America-icon.png Alaskaball from
Russiaball for US$7.2 million in 1867. By the 1880s,
USAball had vastly improved its economy and status on
Franceball gave it the Statue of Liberty in 1886. In 1892,
USAball held the first World's Exposition in File:Chicago-icon.png Chicagoball. In 1896, the Klondike gold Rush sent
USAball to File:Yukon-icon.png Yukonball for gold.
Meanwhile, USAball started doing some imperialism of its own. After giving
Liberiaball its de facto independence, it annexed
Hawaiiball in 1895. It defeated
Spainball in the 1898 Spanish-American War, taking File:Spanish East Indies-icon.png Guamball, File:Spanish Puerto Rico-icon.png Puerto Ricoball, File:Spanish Cuba-icon.png Cubaball, and File:Spanish Philippines-icon (1522-1785).png Philippinesball. However, the last one gave it some trouble by becoming independent, and
USAball fought it until 1902. It became a loyal child afterward.
USAball was also involved in File:Qing-icon.png Chinaball during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 and helped build a railroad through its clay.
USAball also acquired the File:Baker Island-icon.pngFile:Howland Island-icon.pngFile:Jarvis Island-icon.pngFile:Johnstoll Atoll-icon.pngFile:Kingman Reef-icon.pngFile:Midway Atoll-icon.pngFile:Navassa Island-icon.png Guano Islands and File:American Samoa-icon.png American Samoaball.
Before the war, Spainball was no longer considered a global power but a rich and weak countryball and was considered a secondary countryball among the European powers. Therefore, the
Spanish defeat did not draw much European attention concerning the military capacity of
USAball was already the most significant economic power on
Earthball but with little military importance.
In 1903, USAball invented the airplane and started mass-producing cars in the 1900s and 1910s. The Rust Belt across its clay was a surge of income. It purchased File:Danish-West-Indies-icon.png Danish West Indiesball in 1916 and renamed it
"Virgin Islandsball." It tried to stay neutral and be isolated in world politics. Still, in 1906, it helped orchestrate the Treaty of Portsmouth to end the Russo-Japanese War. It also dated a File:British Empire-icon.png British woman for a few years until she died in an airstrike while visiting File:London-icon.png Londonball during World War I. Despite the 1915 sinking of the Lusitania,
USAball refrained from fighting with
Germanyball until File:British Empire-icon.png the British revealed the Zimmermann Telegram to
USAball in 1917. Around this time,
USAball had trouble with
Mexicoball's rebels (
Mexicoball was in the middle of the Mexican Revolution) and started building File:Panama Canal Zone-icon.png a canal through
Panamaball's clay. It also occupied
Hispanola in World War I.
On the battlefields of Europe, American divisions played an essential role in the victory, consolidating the country's military prestige for the first time.
The Roaring 20s, the Depression, and another war (1917–1949)[edit | edit source]
After USAball helped the Allies win World War I in 1918 at the Meuse-Argonne offensive, it helped write the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference, imposing heavy reparations on
Germanyball. It also gave it loans (such as the Dawes Plan in 1924 and the Young Plan a few years later). In 1920,
USAball banned alcohol from its clay but continued to consume it secretly.
The war devastated Europe and created a staggering unemployment rate due to the complete lack of structure on the continent due to the prolonged battles, generating a financial crisis fueled by exorbitant expenses of a military nature. With the European decline, USAball emerged as a world power taking a prominent position on
Earthball's political and military scenario. Throughout the 1920s,
USAball had a boom era. It became a creditor countryball and invented things like flappers and Charleston. It even flew solo across the Atlantic in 1927.
In 1929, however, its stocks dropped sharply in the Wall Street Crash. The Great Depression began around Earthball as it called back all its debts immediately.
USAball's banks and gold standard failed by 1932. In 1933, however, it started to embark on the New Deal. Its economy steadily improved as it repealed Prohibition and moved
Oklahomaball and
Nebraskaball away from the Dust Bowl.
USAball developed a policy of isolationism in the later 1930s against fascism in Europe and East Asia. It embargoed File:Japanese-Empire-icon.png Japanball after it raped
Chinaball in 1937. Additionally,
USAball aided
UKball and File:Free France-icon.png Franceball in 1940 to fight
Nazi Germanyball. However, when File:Japanese-Empire-icon.png Japanball attacked Pearl Harbor in December 1941,
USAball entered the war.
Between 1942 and 1943, USAball aided
Soviet Unionball and landed in File:French North Africa-icon.png French North Africaball via Operation Torch. It fought File:Japanese-Empire-icon.png Japanball at Saipan, File:Guam-icon.png Guamball, and Guadalcanal. It then liberated File:Commonwealth of the Philippines-icon.png Philippinesball in 1945, after File:Japanese-Empire-icon.png Japanball captured Iwo Jima and Okinawa. It then helped land at Normandy on D-Day and Operation Dragoon in southern File:Vichy France-icon.png Vichy Franceball's clay and crushed File:Italian-Empire-icon.png Italyball with the Allies.
Nazi Germanyball retreated with the disintegration of its best troops in
Soviet Unionball's clay and the prodigious resurrection of File:Free France-icon.png Franceball, which took its clay back and brought an enormous army to help the Allies invade it. By April 1945,
USAball and
Soviet Unionball were in
Berlinball and divided
Nazi Germanyball's clay up after it committed suicide. They each adopted one of its children, with
USAball adopting
West Germanyball in 1948 and supplying it by air.
Meanwhile, USAball used its atomic bombs on File:Hiroshima-icon.png Hiroshimaball and File:Nagasaki-icon.png Nagasakiball, forcing it to surrender and ending World War II.
USAball then offered the Marshall Plan to all Western European countryballs affected by the war. However, a new Cold War was looming between itself and the communist
Soviet Unionball. File:Commonwealth of the Philippines-icon.png Philippinesball became independent, by the way.
USAball and
Soviet Unionball became the only world superpowers at the end of World War II; they occupied the vacuum left by the former European powers, which, at the time, were destroyed by the war.
The Cold War, Arms Race, Space Race, and Civil Rights (1949–2000)[edit | edit source]
In 1950, USAball became involved in Korea, supporting
South Koreaball against its
communist sibling, who had the help of the newly communist
USAball brought in
NATOball members and
United Nationball—born in 1945—to help it.
USAball also had to give its
8balls rights in the 1950s and 1960s. The civil rights movement of the
8balls inspired the
3balls to also claim its rights, with
USAball giving them rights at the end of the 1960s. In 1962, its traitorous child
Cubaball held
Soviet Unionball's nuclear weapons, which led to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, narrowly averting World War III. In 1964, after the Gulf of Tonkin incident,
USAball became involved in the Vietnam War, supporting File:South Vietnam-icon.png South Vietnamball against File:Vietnam-icon.png North Vietnamball. It was accused of committing war crimes, such as the 1968 My Lai massacre. It was ultimately forced to pull out of Vietnam in 1973, leading to File:South Vietnam-icon.png South Vietnamball's eventual collapse in 1975.
USAball also had a space race between itself and
Soviet Unionball.
The Soviets had the first victories but were beaten when
USAball orbited around
Earthball in 1962 and landed on
Moonball in 1969. WMDs (Weapon of mass destruction) were of concern in the 1960s, and
USAball protested against them in its Summer of Love hippy movement.

USAball, despite claiming to be a supporter of the "free world and democracy," helped establish right-wing dictatorships in Latin American countryballs in the 1960s and 1970s, one of the reasons why the country is still today called a hypocrite in international relations by other countries (especially by the Russians, when the Americans argue with it about its having placed communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe in the same epoch). However, the Latin American and Eastern European dictatorships were only overthrown in the 1980s by the people of these countries.
In the 1970s, détente reigned with the 1972 SALT I agreements being signed to limit the production of WMDs, which had destroyed File:Bikini-icon.png Bikini Atollball in 1946. In 1974, meanwhile, USAball got involved in the Watergate scandal. Then, in 1979,
Soviet Unionball invaded File:DR Afghan-icon.png Afghanistanball's clay.
USAball led a boycott of its 1980 Moscow Olympics in response, so
Soviet Unionball led a 1984 boycott of
USAball's Los Angeles Olympics and accidentally shot down a jetliner in 1983. The same year,
USAball almost got into a nuclear war with
Soviet Unionball twice!
UKball, frenemy
Chinaball, and distant friend (yeah, right...)
Pakistanball supported the File:Jihad-icon.png Mujahideen in File:DR Afghan-icon.png Afghanistanball against
Soviet Unionball. In 1987, its economy crashed on Black Monday. However, in 1988,
Soviet Unionball effectively lost the Cold War when the Iron Curtain began to disintegrate, and File:Warsaw Pact-icon.png
File:PSR Albania-icon.png the Eastern Bloc was dissolved in 1989.
USAball said things like, "Ich bin ein Berliner," "Evil Empire," and "Tear Down this Wall!". However,
USAball fought File:Ba'athist Iraq-icon.png Iraqball in the Gulf Wars of 1991 and 2003. The 1990s was also the decade
USAball was attacked directly and indirectly by File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Qaedaball:
- In 1993 when File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Quedaball bombed the World Trade Center.
- In 1996 when File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Qaedaball attacked the Khobar Towers in
Saudi Arabiaball.
- In 1998 when File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Qaedaball bombed
USAball's embassies in
Kenyaball and
In response, USAball failed to kill File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Qaedaball with cruise missiles. Then, in 1999, it avoided the Y2K bug, returned the File:Panama Canal Zone-icon.png Panama Canal Zoneball to
Panamaball, and celebrated the arrival of the New Millennium in 2001.
The New Millennium (2001–present)[edit | edit source]
Earthball celebrated the arrival of the New Millennium as all countryballs look forward to a prosperous and hopeful future. Nope, no one made no flying cars nor instantly predicted weather, but it didn't matter. However, the hope of a peaceful decade would not last for long.
On September 11, 2001, File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Qaedaball destroyed the World Trade Center's twin towers in File:NYC-icon.png New York Cityball and destoyed the Pentagon partially near File:WashingtonDC-icon.png DCball. Franceball tried to mobilize oriental balls against terrorist groups based on its clay and put its veto on
USAball's project to invade File:Ba'athist Iraq-icon.png Iraqball, interpreting it with insight as a desire for oil orgy. As a vendetta,
USAball began a moral bashing game against
Franceball and declared a War on Terror, going into the Middle East and invading
and puppeting Afghanistanball and
Iraqball. In 2005,
USAball got hit by 🌀 Hurricane Katrina, making it the deadliest hurricane to hit
USAball ever.
USAball was also busy hunting kebab terrorists, such as File:ISIS-icon.png ISISball and File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Qaedaball. The latter was killed in 2011 while hiding in
Pakistanball's clay.
USAball and its
NATOball allies intervened in File:Gaddafi Libya-icon.png Libyaball's multiple personality disorder the same year.
USAball then gave File:LGBT-icon.png same-sex couples rights and tried to hide its corruption. In 2014,
USAball and
Cubaball reconciled for the first time in almost 50 years. Then, in 2016,
USAball's conflicted behavior met a new conclusion and a period of uncertainty. In that year's election,
an unexpected winner had shocked the world around it. It was also confirmed that
Russiaball interfered in the 2016 election. Things began to change on the global stage.
In 2017, USAball and
NATOball engaged in File:ISIS-icon.png ISISball, File:Boko Haram-icon.png Boko Haramball, remnants of the followers of File:Al-Qaeda-icon.png Al-Qaedaball, and File:Taliban-icon.png Talibanball. It also indirectly teamed up with long-time rivals like
Russiaball in fighting the
kebabs. However, it has been said that many of the problems today are
USAball's fault.
On August 17, 2017, a white supremacist rally took place in File:Charlottesville-icon.png Charlottesvilleball as White Nationalist groups attacked counter-protesters (even at first, it was a protest against taking down a Robert E. Lee statue). And a car rammed into anti-racist protesters, killing one person and injuring 19 people.
On August 23, 2017, 🌀 Hurricane Harvey hit southern Texasball. It flooded File:Houston-icon.png Houstonball and other cityballs with more than the yearly average rainfall of more than 50 inches. In addition, 🌀 Hurricanes Irma, Jose, and Maria hit
Floridaball, File:Puerto Rico-icon.png Puerto Ricoball, and
Virgin Islandsball.
On October 1, 2017, a shooting occurred in File:Las Vegas-icon.png Las Vegasball, as 58 people were killed and 489 injured, the deadliest shooting in USAball by a lone person.
On December 14, 2017, the FCC voted to repeal net neutrality. It intended to repeal it even more to make more profit. However, little did the FCC know that this would mess up the economy.
In December 2019, USAball caught
Donald Trump in a major scandal with
Ukraineball. The House of Representatives impeached
Trump, but the Senate acquitted him.
The 2020s: A New Era[edit | edit source]
A new decade emerged, but it was off to a terrible start: World War III almost occurred because Trump directed
military to kill
Iranball's leader: Qasem Soleimani.
On January 20, 2020, a mysterious new virus called File:Coronavirus-icon.png SARS-CoV-2 spread to USAball.
Trump's reaction to it was poor, and it spread exceptionally quickly in successive waves. Finally, after File:WHO-icon.png WHOball declared a pandemic on March 11, 2020, almost all schools shut down in
USAball and
On May 26, 2020, George Floyd, an 8ball, was killed during an encounter with police in File:Minneapolis-icon.png Minneapolisball. Many protests broke out all over the country. File:Portland-icon.png Portlandball suffered exceptionally brutally from the protests.
As the 2020 election neared, many Americans took sides. Joe Biden was confirmed the winner by many sources. However, President
Trump called the election rigged and began a campaign to overturn the results. Then, on January 6, 2021—after a rally led by
Trump—his supporters marched on the Capitol and broke inside in a final attempt to confirm a victory for
Trump; however, it backfired, only causing more Republicans to support
Biden. As a result,
Trump was impeached again, making him the first and only US President to be impeached twice. But, like the first time, the Senate acquitted him.
President-elect Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20, 2021, having lots of damage to fix. Slowly,
Biden made vaccines available to every one of at least five years of age (and eventually to six months). Unfortunately,
USAball's weather also became very crazy, including powerful hurricanes, snow in File:Las Vegas-icon.png Las Vegasball, fires in
Californiaball and
Oregonball, and record-high summer temperatures in much of
USAball's clay.
Sometime later, USAball and
Russiaball did a deal on nukes, making it the newest WMD Agreement ever.
In the first half of 2021, File:Coronavirus-icon.png𝛿 the delta variant of COVID-19 from Indiaball wreaked havoc on
USAball. In August, it started to weaken as more people got vaccinated. Then, unfortunately, a new variant—File:Coronavirus-icon.pngο Omicron—emerged from
South Africaball. It became so extreme that some schools in its clay shut down.
On August 15, 2021, File:Taliban-icon.png Taliban forces marched into File:Kabul-icon.png Kabulball's clay and took it, ending the 20-year conflict in US defeat. Because of this, the Afghan government
was replaced, and
Biden's approval ratings plummeted.
On December 25, 2021, USAball launched the James Webb Space Telescope to succeed the Hubble Space Telescope. The James Webb Space Telescope is a significant improvement to Hubble, and
USAball plans to get it in action very soon.
In January 2022, File:Coronavirus-icon.pngο the omicron variant began to weaken. Unfortunately, Joe Biden's popularity decreased rapidly, partially also due to inflation. In addition, if one war wasn't enough,
Russiaball looked like it would invade
Ukraineball, so
USAball called up
NATOball to counter this.

Unfortunately, USAball's worst dreams came true when
Russiaball invaded Ukraineball on February 24, 2022.
USAball joined
EUball and others in sanctioning
Joe Biden then delivered a State of the Union address as
USAball ramped its sanctions on
Russiaball. Meanwhile, the James Webb Space Telescope has been getting ready for use. Its first images have been released.
When USAball sanctioned
Russiaball, its oil prices skyrocketed to record-high levels.
In May 2022, a Supreme Court paper was leaked; the report revealed the Supreme Court's plan to overturn Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade was a Supreme Court decision to protect abortion. The exposé was met with outrage.

On May 12, 2022, USAball made history: using the Event Horizon Telescope, it imaged
Sagittarius A*ball, the black holeball at the center of
Milky Wayspiral.
Sagittarius A*ball was the second black holeball to be imaged; the first was M87ball's
supermassive black holeball.
On May 24, 2022, a school shooting happened in Texasball, killing 19 children and two adults. Some people thought that this was due to ineffective gun control laws; this was not the first major shooting in
USAball (see File:Las Vegas-icon.png Las Vegasball), and many people protested to fix this.
After over a year, USAball started investigating
Donald Trump for his January 6, 2021, insurrection. The hearings revealed that he had more criminal intent than previously realized. Then, on June 24, 2022,
USAball overturned Roe v. Wade, handing abortion to its stateballs. Again, this was met with tremendous outrage and protests.
Joe Biden has plans to fix this. For example, he later passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. "Today, the American people won,"
Biden said. "Special interests lost."
Despite these divisions, USAball has remained unified against
Vladimir Putin, with many people and companyballs giving aid to
Ukraineball. Many large American corporations pulled out of
Russiaball and
Belarusball altogether in response to the war.
The Republicans anticipated a red tsunami wave during the 2022 midterm election. That did not happen, as swing stateballs like Nevadaball,
Arizonaball, and File:US Georgia-icon.png Georgiaball remained blue. In December, the committee investgating the January 6, 2021, insurrection on File:WashingtonDC-icon.png DCball closed.
USAball started the new year in chaos. For the first time in 100 years, the House of Representatives did not elect a speaker, as Kevin McCarthy was deeply unpopular. Finally, one day and two years after the infamous insurrection (and after 14 losses), McCarthy was elected the speaker.
From January 28 to February 4, 2023, a balloon appeared above the clays of USAball and
USAball shot it down near
South Carolinaball's coastline and said it was a spy balloon from
USAball then shot down three more unidentified flying objects, which were
possibly more aliens
Chinese spy balloons.
On February 3, a train was derailed in East Palestineball, OhioRawr, resulting in dangerous chemicals entering their clay.
In May, former president Donald Trump was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation against E. Jean Carroll. He was initially ordered to pay her $5 million, but on January 26, 2024, the amount was increased to $83.3 million.
On October 3, Kevin McCarthy was removed as House Speaker. This was the first time in USAball's history in which a Speaker of the House was removed from office.
On October 7, Hamas, governing File:Gaza-icon.png Gazaball,
Palestineball, attacked
Israelcube's clay; in response, the latter declared war on the former.
USAball heavily supported
Israelcube against its war on File:Gaza-icon.png Gazaball. Many American citizens disagreed and supported
Palestineball. Since then,
USAball has also vetoed many
UN resolutions in support of
Palestineball to support
On December 1, George Santos was expelled from Congress due to fraud, making him the sixth member of the House (and the first Republican) to be expelled from Congress.
On December 19, Coloradoball's Supreme Court disqualified
Donald Trump from its ballots due to him taking part in the January 6 capitol attack. Because he committed insurrection, he should be disqualified via the 14th Amendment.
Maineball and
Illinoisball joined
Coloradoball in removing him from their ballots later that month and February 2024, respectively.
Trump appealed those cases.
On December 29, 2023, South Africaball accused
Israelcube of genocide at
United Nationball;
USAball opposed them.
2024 was an election year; with Donald Trump representing the Republicans and
Joe Biden running for re-election, this election will be the first since 1956 to have a rematch.
On January 12, USAball began launching air strikes against File:Houthi-icon.png Houthiballs in File:Yemen-icon.png Yemenball's clay due to their attacks on the Red Sea.
On February 25, File:USA-icon (soldier).png a military officer—Aaron Bushnell—burned himself to death, saying that he did not want to be complicit in genocide, with his last words being "Free Palestine!". Hamas reacted positively to the event.
On March 4, the Supreme Court unanimously reversed Coloradoball's decision, saying stateballs could not remove him form ballots.
With George Santos expelled, New Yorkball elected Tom Suozzi, a Democrat, to replace him.
On April 8, many American stateballs witnessed another cross-country solar eclipse. On the 13th,
USAball defended
Israelcube from
Iranian missile attacks and imposed even more sanctions on
Iranball. Five days later,
USAball vetoed a
United Nationball resolution that would have recognized
Palestineball. It was the only country to veto the resolution.
On April 17, college students in Columbia University (in File:NYC-icon.png New York Cityball's clay) began protesting to call for a ceasefire in
File:Gaza-icon.png Gazaball and to end aid to Israelcube. File:NYC-icon.png The cityball sent its police to mass arrest the students. And the university went to hybrid learning. Following this, many other college students on other campuses began protesting.
In July, Joe Biden dropped out of the race, after much pressure from other people like the Democrats. His vice president, File:Kamala Harris-icon.png, Template:W, became his successor. At first, she was popular, as Trump could not compare to her. Trump began speaking about Project 2025, his plan to
turn USAball into a File:Fascism Dictatorship-icon.png fascist dictatorship Make America Great Again. (There is some truth to that statement, as Trump said he would be a dictator "only on day one .")
On November 5, the USAball held its presidential elections, with
Trump declared the winner of the election on November 6, making him the second
US president in history to serve two non-consecutive terms, with the other one being Grover Cleveland, who served as president from 1893 to 1897, and 1885 to 1889. This caused mass hysteria in its clay, and some people began thinking that
USAball would become File:Fascism-icon.png fascist. President-elect
Trump made
Template:W co-leader of the planned
DOGE Department of Government Efficiency, causing even more outrage.
In December, New Jerseyball shot down
more drones. Later on, a man named w:Luigi Mangione killed UnitedHealthcare CEO w:Brian Thompson. The public justified his death by stating that other people have died by being denied health care. Officials, on the other hand, immediately started a manhunt.
alien spaceships and
Chinese spy balloons
On January 1, 2025, at 03:15 CST, as File:New Orleans-icon.png New Orleansball was celebrating the New Year, a truck driver holding an File:ISIS-icon.png ISIS flag killed fifteen people (including himself) and injured 57 others.
Later that day (at 08:39 PST), a cybertruck in File:Las Vegas-icon.png Las Vegasball's clay exploded in an attempt to destroy the Trump Tower. It failed.
On January 20, was inaugurated as the 47th president. He attempted to pull
USAball out of File:WHO-icon.png WHOball and the w:Paris climate accord and revoke birthright citizenship. He also pardoned the January 6 rioters.
eggs are still damn expensive, though